tag 标签: country


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分享 Greece: Perspectives on Eurasian integration
风萧萧 2017-4-10 05:27
Is Europe to Benefit from China's Belt and Road Initiative? The Port of Piraeus – Opportunity for Railways in South East Europe? Europe, Germany and “The German Model”: Economic Links and ... When All Roads Lead to Beijing. Assessing China's New Silk Road ... ...
个人分类: 中国|125 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Medical wait times in Canada longer than ever at 20 weeks in 2016: Fraser Instit
风萧萧 2016-11-27 11:54
Some of comments followed Q A: How long are medical wait times in Canada by province and procegure ? Owen Stride : Incorrect, in the UK and otherEuropean nations you have to go to the Dr they send ...
个人分类: 加拿大|910 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Michael Chong
风萧萧 2016-11-25 14:16
Michael Chong
https://twitter.com/MichaelChongMP/status/800435072457289728 Michael Chong Verified account ‏ @ MichaelChongMP “We should not focus on divisive social issues, but on the economic agenda that will create jobs” - @StandFreeholder http://www. standard-freeholder ...
个人分类: 加拿大|842 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Where should unemployed coal miner go in West Virginia coal country
风萧萧 2016-11-23 17:06
Where Should All the Coal MinersGo? By Dwyer Gunn Dec 2, 2015 https://psmag.com/where-should-all-the-coal-miners-go-56b63b74b3a7#.g6gdmt4db Last month, Hillary Clinton announced her big $30 billion plan to restore economic prosper ...
个人分类: 美国|303 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Why Australia’s luck may be running out
风萧萧 2016-8-16 04:53
Why Australia’s luck may be running out Gideon Rachman http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/126470e0-62c5-11e6-a08a-c7ac04ef00aa.html The country is becoming a lightning rod for Chinese anger towards the west Australians of a nervous disposition should ...
个人分类: 政治 法律|242 次阅读|0 个评论


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