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Editing, proofreading and academic writing services

已有 243 次阅读2018-8-27 17:25 |个人分类:写作和考试帮助(writing and exam prep)| Editing, Proofreading, Academic writing

Phone + Wechat & Whatsapp: 1 905-341-2097
My name is Ali and I am currently a PhD (Business Administration) student at Wilfrid Laurier University. I graduated from Brock University in the MSc Marketing program. My average GPA was A+, and I had a full scholarship. I am a Beta Gamma Sigma member and received various other scholarships. I worked as an instructor for the MBA program and IMAAC at Brock University. I also have substantial experience in providing editing and proofreading services.
Please get in touch for professional, fast editing and proofreading services. I’ll work with you to make sure that your document reflects what you want to express, and that it meets the highest standards of quality. I can work on your theses, essays, reports, applications, or any other document. Please also get in touch for Resume development, scholarship applications and for writing a better personal statement.
I can help you say what you want to say more effectively. You can now focus on your content and leave the expression to me. I can edit your work in APA and other styles.






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