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Bruce Lee was a magic myth made by rational philosophy.

已有 1500 次阅读2017-6-19 14:05 |个人分类:Frank's Writings| philosophy, Bruce


Talking about physical activity, people may easily think of Brace Lee.

It was rational philosophy inspired Bruce Lee to have created the two peaks on martial art and movie art.

Most Famous Bruce Lee Quotes By Martial Artist

Image result for Bruce Lee

However, besides keen on his attracting movies, few people are care about that Bruce Lee was an outstanding philosopher; it was not only in his major, but also in his life-long practice. 

Despite Bruce Lee had long passed, but his talent, his righteousness, and his brilliant has become a myth that cannot be copied.

In 1999, the Time magazine lists the heroes and idols in 20th century; Bruce Lee and the U.S. former President Kennedy were on the list together.

Bruce Lee was a magic myth made by rational philosophy.






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