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枳椇子研究进展 Hovenia dulcis Species Research

已有 315 次阅读2017-6-13 05:54 |个人分类:medicine| 植物, 论文


论文作者: 申向荣 
上传时间:2008/5/22 9:51:00

  鼠李科枳椇属Hovenia Thunb.植物全世界有3种,2个变种,主要分布于中国、朝鲜、日本和印度。 我国除东北、内蒙古、新疆、宁夏、青海和台湾外,各省区均有分布[1]。枳椇属植物始载于《唐本草》,以果实、木汁、木皮入药,现由《中国人民共和国卫生部药品标准·中药材》收载。到目前为止,国内对该属植物的化学成分和药理活性研究不多,主要集中在日本和韩国等国家。从20世纪70年代以来,研究的植物有北枳椇Hovenia dulcis Thunb.、枳椇Hovenia acerba Lindl.和毛果枳椇Hovenia trichocarpa Chun et Tsiang 3个种,植物研究的主要部位以叶和种子为主,到目前为止共从该属植物中分离出70多种成分,主要为三萜皂苷类和黄酮类化合物;药理研究表明,三萜类和黄酮类为该属植物的活性成分,具有抗甜味、抑制组胺释放和保肝解酒等作用。为了进一步深入对枳椇属植物进行综合的研究和开发利用,笔者对近年来有关枳椇属植物的研究进行了收集。现综述如下。

  1 化学成分

  1.1 三萜皂苷类该类成分在枳椇属植物中广泛存在,也是其活性成分之一。如已发现的hodulosides Ⅰ-Ⅴ,hodulosides VII-X ,saponin C2 ,saponin E,saponin H和jujuboside B。经实验表明,它们具有显著的抗甜味活性[2,3]。 据报道hovenidulcioside A1,hovenidulcioside A2,hovenidulcioside B1 和hovenidulcioside B2有显著的抑制组胺的释放作用[4]。已发现的这些三萜皂苷类在结构上都属于达马烷型或变型的达马烷型三萜皂苷,具体化合物及存在的植物见图1、表1。

  1.1.1 该属植物所得的三萜皂苷的波谱特征红外光谱:该属的三萜皂苷类化合物,双键吸收峰在1 655cm1,羰基吸收峰在1 730 cm-1,其中四环三萜在红外指纹A区:1 355 ~1 392 cm-1和B区:1 245~1 330 cm-1都有一个较强的吸收峰,另外以Ⅲ型结构为母核的皂苷在1 768 cm1处有五元内酯吸收峰,915 cm1和827 cm1有环氧化物的特征吸收峰。

  1H-NMR:该属植物皂苷比较有特征的质子信号为双键质子,甲基质子和糖端基质子。如Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ均有7个甲基氢质子信号,其δ值一般在0.7~1.8 ppm,而与双键相连的甲基质子比其它五个要低场,δ值大于1.5 ppm,ⅢB中只有4个高场区的甲基质子信号,烯氢的化学位移值一般在5.0 ppm左右,糖的端基质子常出现在δ 4.0~6.5 ppm,还可以根据其偶合常数来判断端基构型,测试的溶剂会影响化学位移值,如在C5D5N中比在DMSOd6中低场0.7 ppm左右。


  1.2 黄酮类到目前为止,从枳椇属植物得到的黄酮类化合物结构主要为黄酮醇(苷)、黄烷醇和二氢黄酮醇,其具体化合物及存在的植物部位见表3。黄酮类化合物为枳椇属植物保肝作用的活性成分,已报道的有日本学者Yoshikawa从北枳椇的种子和果实中得到(+)二氢杨梅黄酮 [10] 、Hovenitins ⅠⅢ[11],韩国学者从韩国产的北枳椇的果实中得到解酒毒活性成分hovenodulinol[12],以及从韩国产的北枳椇的叶和茎中得到抗菌活性成分Hovenidine B6[13]。表1 枳属植物中发现的三萜皂苷类化合物(略)

  1.3 苯丙素类据报道,苯丙素类化合物存在于枳椇属植物毛果枳椇hovenia trichocarpa Chun et Tsiang中 ,Yoshikawa K等[8,18,19]从日本产的毛果枳椇hovenia trichocarpa Chun et Tsiang的树皮中得到14种苯丙素类化合物,分别为hovetrichoside AH 及它的苷元的两个对映体、ceanothetric acid、(+)lyoniresinol-3aOβDglucopyranoside、()-lyoniresinol3aOβDglucopyranoside、Citrusin B。

  1.4 生物碱类1973年,Makoto T等[20]从北枳椇根皮中分离得到肽类生物碱:异欧鼠李碱(frangulanine)和枳椇碱A(去N甲基异欧鼠李碱,desNmethylfrangulanine)、枳椇碱B,其中异欧鼠李碱对诱导线粒体溶胀肿瘤有离子选择性。金宝渊等[21]从北枳椇的种子中提取到β-carboline生物碱化合物perlolyrine即黑麦草碱和异欧鼠李碱。

  1.5 其它成分据李克明等[22]报道北枳椇子种子含脂肪高达7%,其中有5个不饱和脂肪酸,22个饱和脂肪酸,含量较高的有△9十八烷酸甲酯(26.24%)、十八烷酸甲酯(14.72%)、十八烯酸甲酯(7.99%)、9氧代壬酸甲酯(7.20%)、十九烷酸甲酯(4.79%)和二十八烷酸甲酯(1.97%)等,枳椇叶含有3O香豆酰奎宁酸(3Ocoumaroylquinic acid)4羟基-N-甲基脯氨酸(4-hydroxyNmethylproline)[23]。韩国学者从韩国产的北枳椇的叶中得到抗菌的活性成分3(Z)dodecenedioic acid[24]。Yoshikawa等[25]从绒毛枳椇叶中分得芳香苷Kenpsoide A、B和倍半萜icariside C1。表2 枳椇属植物四种苷元13C的化学位移值[2~4,8](略)

  2 药理活性及应用

  2.1 保肝作用Hase K等[10]对以脂多糖(LPS)诱发长期饲喂乙醇大鼠的肝为模型,以影响状况、肝脏的血清指标及乙醇浓度为评价指标,结果发现枳椇子水或甲醇提取物组与饲喂乙醇组相比,其热量消耗和体重均无显著差异;但枳椇子水提取物能显著抑制给予乙醇+LPS引起的血清谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、丙二醛(MDA)、甘油三酯(TG)及总胆固醇(TC)升高,甲醇提取物对MDA无明显影响,但能抑制肝脏TG及TC的蓄积;枳椇子水提取物能显著降低乙醇浓度,加速乙醇代谢,除掉常饮酒后所产生的过量自由基,以此达到阻碍过氧化脂质的形成。Yoshikawa等[11]对中国产的枳椇子果实和种子的甲醇溶解部位做了研究,发现此部位对乙醇诱导的肌肉松弛有抑制作用以及对D-氨基半乳糖/脂多糖或四氯化碳诱导的肝损伤有保护作用,还从中提取到一个保肝活性单体hovenitin I。韩国学者Park YS等[12]从韩国产的枳椇子果实从分离得到一解酒毒的高活性二氢黄酮类成分hovenodulinol。现在有大量的文献报道其解酒的作用,比较系统的报道是北京中医药大学的两硕士的两篇论文:《枳椇子解酒的文献整理和药效学研究》和《葛花和枳椇子的解酒比较研究》。


  2.2 保肝作用日本学者Hase K 等[10]报道了北枳椇的果实对四氯化碳或氨基半乳糖等引起的小鼠肝损伤有保护作用,并从中发现了一个活性成分(+)ampelopsin, 其活性高于现在欧洲国家治肝病常用药益肝灵,低于甘草酸。韩国学者Kim等对韩国产的枳椇子甲醇提取物的己烷部位、氯仿部位、醋酸乙酯部位、水提取物部位对四氯化碳引起的肝损伤模型做了活性筛选,得出氯仿提取物部位有明显的保肝作用的结论。韩国学者对其韩国产的北枳椇幼枝及枝中的极性部位进行研究表明,极性部位以及多糖类具有保肝活性。同时中国学者对其也有报道,主要集中在对枳椇子的粗提取物的简单的药理模型筛选,找出其保肝的有效部位,提出了枳椇子的水提取液或甲醇提取物有保肝作用的观点,也有关于枳椇子的氯仿部位和黄酮部位是其保肝活性部位的报道。值得一提的是,这其中报道的韩国产的枳椇子是明显不同于中国产的。
表3 枳椇属植物中发现的黄酮类化合物(略)

  2.3 中枢神经抑制作用据 Hiroshi Satito等[27]研究,对小鼠腹腔注射北枳椇皂苷 30 mg/kg,能显著减少自发活动,并延长环己巴比妥的睡眠时间;大鼠腹腔注射 30 mg/kg 时,能特异性地抑制条件反射,显示有一定的镇静作用。小鼠腹腔注射 400 mg/kg 时,对电刺激及戊四唑或士的宁所致的惊厥均有一定的抗惊厥作用。

  2.4 抗脂质过氧化作用 王艳林等[28]发现用40%枳椇子灌胃时,能显著降低小鼠血清、肝和脑组织丙二醛(MDA)的含量,并呈明显剂量效应关系。高剂量组小鼠肝脏、肾脏和大脑丙二醛(MDA)比对照组小鼠分别降低33.9%,69.6%,92%和26.4%。同时在实验中还发现,以40%枳椇子灌胃时,能显著降低肝、肾和脑组织中SOD活性,显示了有明显的抗脂质过氧化作用。据韩国专利报道[29],已有将枳椇子提取物中的槲皮素3oα L鼠李糖,山萘酚3oαL鼠李糖,山萘酚3,7oαL二鼠李糖,咖啡因,山萘酚3oa L鼠李糖(16)Oβ D葡萄糖(12)Oβ D葡萄糖,山萘酚3oα L鼠李糖7O[β D葡萄糖-(13)-α -L-鼠李糖]等组合的多成分作为抗氧化活性应用于食品、化妆品和保健品等领域中。

  2.5 适应原样作用以30%枳椇子灌胃时[28],能显著增加小鼠抗御不良刺激的能力,与对照组比较,实验组小鼠耐寒(20℃)、耐热(50℃)和游泳时间分别提高11.96%,97.43%和99.67%。嵇扬等[30]以10 g生药/(kg·d),2次/d灌胃给药21 d,发现枳椇子水提液能显著提高小鼠的耐寒、耐热机能并延长小鼠游泳、爬杆时间。

  2.6 对应激性胃溃疡的作用据 Hiroshi Staito等[27]研究, 小鼠腹腔给予枳椇皂苷 (hovenosides, HS),对应激性胃溃疡有明显抑制作用,但口服无效,而HS 对大鼠幽门结扎所致的胃溃疡与胃液的增加均无明显的抑制作用,通过肠胃道炭末阻滞实验表明,HS 能促进肠管蠕动,而对肠鼠回肠显示有较弱的罂粟样作用。

  2.7 抑制组胺释放[4]在48/80和钙离子载体A23187诱导的大鼠腹腔肥大细胞释放组胺实验中,自枳椇果实和种子中分得的枳椇皂苷A1,A2和B1,B2对组胺释放呈明显的抑制活性。其中A2和B1对48/80诱导的组胺释放抑制强度稍大于A1,B2;A2,B2对A23187诱导的组胺释放抑制活性相对来说要好。

  2.8 降压作用据报道,枳椇子水提取液对四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠具有保护作用[31],还进一步发现静脉注射0.2~0.4 mg/kg枳椇子正丁醇提取物水溶液会引起正常麻醉猫平均动脉压下降22~24 mmHg。静脉注射引起的降压持续时间在2 min以内,较为短暂[32]。

  2.9 抗致突变抑瘤作用[33]从北枳椇果实和种子经提取精制得到一种化合物在艾姆氏实验中有极好的抗致突变活性, 嵇扬等[30]进一步发现枳椇子水提取物在体外显示细胞毒作用,在体内实验有抑瘤作用,以上提示了该药可用于防癌。

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  2.10 镇吐作用日本学者秋田康彦等[34]发现枳椇子的氯仿提取物对硫酸铜诱发性呕吐有抑制作用,并进一步追踪到其活性成分。

  2.11 保健作用据苏地[35]报道,枳椇果实俗称“万寿果”,在产区利用万寿果已有悠久历史, 如将果、果柄和种子打粉,冲水饮可治水肿,破碎压汁发酵制成“万寿果酒”是优良的绿 色食品,常饮万寿果酒有利于人体生长发育,保健强身和延年益寿。报道北拐枣苷Ⅲ(hoduloside Ⅲ)能选择性地抑制人甜味敏觉,而对酸、咸、苦无明显效应,甜味调节剂可被用作生理学工具研究味觉。

  此外枳椇叶主治酒醉、风热感冒、外感腹痛、死胎不下;枝叶煎膏, 功效同果柄,亦能止呕、解酒及铁棒锤中毒;木汁治腋下狐气等[36]。

  3 结语


Hovenia dulcis Species Research

Hovenia dulcis Species Research

Post Time:2008-5-22 9:51:00

   Rhamnaceae Hovenia dulcis is Hovenia Thunb. There are three kinds of plants around the world, 2 varieties, mainly in China, Korea, Japan and India. In addition to the northeast of China, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Qinghai, and Taiwan, the provinces and autonomous regions are distributed [1]. Hovenia dulcis species only contained in the "Tang Materia Medica" in order to fruit, juice, wood, veneer medicine, is now by the "People's Republic of China Ministry of Health standards for Chinese herbal medicine," closed set. Up to now, the genus of chemical composition and pharmacological activity of small, mainly in Japan and South Korea and other countries. From the 20th century, 70 years since the study of plants Hovenia dulcis Hovenia dulcis Thunb., Hovenia dulcis Hovenia acerba Lindl. And gross fruit Hovenia dulcis Hovenia trichocarpa Chun et Tsiang 3 species, the study of plants with leaves and seeds of the main body of the main So far a total of from this genus were isolated more than 70 kinds of ingredients, mainly triterpenoid saponins and flavonoids; pharmacological studies have shown that triterpenes and flavonoids for the genus of the active ingredient, has anti-sweet , inhibit histamine release and Liver hangover and so on. In order to further in-depth species on the Hovenia dulcis comprehensive research and development and utilization, the author of the genus in recent years is the study Hovenia dulcis were collected. Are summarized below. 

     A Chemical Composition

     1.1 triterpenoid saponins such ingredients in Hovenia dulcis widespread genus, but also one of its active ingredient. As already found in hodulosides Ⅰ - Ⅴ, hodulosides VII-X, saponin C2, saponin E, saponin H, and jujuboside B. The experiments show that they have significant anti-sweet activity of [2,3]. It is reported that hovenidulcioside A1, hovenidulcioside A2, hovenidulcioside B1 and hovenidulcioside B2 significant role in inhibiting the release of histamine [4]. Have been found of these triterpenoid saponins are structurally belong to the alkyl Dama dama type or variant of the alkyl-type triterpenoid saponins, the existence of specific compounds and the plant shown in Figure 1, Table 1. 

     1.1.1 The genus triterpenoid saponins derived from the spectral characteristics of infrared spectra: The genus triterpenoid saponin compounds, double bonds absorption peak at 1 655cm  1, carbonyl absorption peak at 1 730 cm-1, in which Ring triterpenoids in the infrared fingerprint A Zone: 1 355 ~ 1 392 cm-1 and B,: 1 245 ~ 1 330 cm-1 has a strong absorption peak, while type Ⅲ and structure of saponin in a nucleus 768 cm  1 Department has five-lactone absorption peak, 915 cm  1 and 827 cm  1 has the characteristic absorption peak of epoxide. 

     1H-NMR: saponins from this genus have more features for the double bond proton-proton signal of methyl protons and sugar-side matrix sub. If Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ are 7-methyl proton signals, the δ value is generally 0.7 ~ 1.8 ppm, connected with the double bond of methyl protons is lower than the other five games, δ value is greater than 1.5 ppm, Ⅲ B, only four high-field region of methyl proton signals, en-hydrogen chemical shift values of about 5.0 ppm in general, the sugar sub-end-matrix often appears in the δ 4.0 ~ 6.5 ppm, coupling constants can also be judged according to their client base configuration, testing, solvent will affect the chemical shifts values, such as C5D5N than in DMSO  d6 in the low field of about 0.7 ppm. 

     13C  NMR: Hovenia dulcis genus obtained four types of aglycones of 13C  NMR chemical shift values of the data in Table 2. 

     1.2 flavonoid so far, from the genus Hovenia dulcis get flavonoid compounds mainly flavonol (glycosides), flavanols, and dihydroflavonol the specific compounds and the existence of the plant parts in Table 3. Flavonoid compounds Hovenia dulcis species hepatoprotective effect of the active ingredient, there are Japanese scholars have been reported from the north Yoshikawa Hovenia dulcis seeds and fruits to get ()  dihydro myricetin [10], Hovenitins Ⅰ  Ⅲ [11] South Korean scholars from South Korea produced the fruits of the North Hovenia dulcis get hangover drug active ingredient hovenodulinol [12], as well as from the North Korean Hovenia dulcis leaves and stems are antibacterial active ingredients Hovenidine B6 [13]. Table 1 Poncirus plants found in triterpenoid saponin compounds (abbreviated) 

     1.3 phenylpropanoid classes, according to reports, phenylpropanoid compounds found in the genus trichocarpa Hovenia dulcis Hovenia dulcis hovenia trichocarpa Chun et Tsiang in, Yoshikawa K, etc. [8,18,19] from the Japanese production trichocarpa Hovenia dulcis hovenia trichocarpa Chun et Tsiang bark to get 14 kinds of phenylpropanoid compounds were hovetrichoside A  H and its aglycones of the two pairs of enantiomers, ceanothetric acid, ()  lyoniresinol-3a  O  β  D  glucopyranoside, () -lyoniresinol  3a  O  β  D  glucopyranoside, Citrusin B. 

     1.4 Alkaloids in 1973, Makoto T, etc. [20] from the north Hovenia dulcis peptides were isolated from the root bark alkaloids: different European buckthorn base (frangulanine) and Hovenia dulcis base A (to the N  methyl isobutyl European buckthorn alkali, des  N  methylfrangulanine), Hovenia dulcis base B, in which different European buckthorn base pairs of tumors induced by ion selective mitochondrial swelling. Campbell Yuan et al [21] from the north Hovenia dulcis seed extract to the β-carboline alkaloid compounds perlolyrine that ryegrass alkali base and different European buckthorn. 

     1.5 Other components, according to Li Keming, etc. [22] reported that the North Hovenia dulcis Thunb seeds contain up to 7% fat, of which 5 unsaturated fatty acids, 22 saturated fatty acids, have higher levels of △ 9 18 alkane acid methyl ester (26.24 %), octadecanoic acid methyl ester (14.72%), 18-ene-methyl (7.99%), 9  Wang oxo-acid methyl ester (7.20%), 19 alkyl ester (4.79%) and 2 Methyl stearate (1.97%), which Hovenia dulcis leaves contain 3  O  coumaric acyl quinate (3  O  coumaroylquinic acid) 4  hydroxy-N-methyl-proline (4-hydroxy  N  methylproline) [23]. South Korean scholars from the North Korean Hovenia dulcis leaves to get the active antibacterial ingredient 3  (Z)  dodecenedioic acid [24]. Yoshikawa et al [25] from isolated villus Hovenia dulcis leaves aromatic glycosides Kenpsoide A, B and sesquiterpenes icariside C1. Table 2 Species of four kinds of Hovenia dulcis daidzein 13C chemical shift values [2 ~ 4,8] (abbreviated) 

     2 Pharmacological Activity And Its Application

1 Protective effect of liver Hase K et al [10] right to lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced long-term feeding of ethanol in rat liver as a model to influence the situation, the liver indexes and serum ethanol concentration index for the evaluation and found that Hovenia dulcis Thunb water or methanol extract group and fed ethanol group compared to calorie consumption and body weight were not significantly different; but the water Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract can significantly inhibit the giving of ethanol + LPS induced serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase ( AST), malondialdehyde (MDA), triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) increased, methanol extracts had no significant effect on the MDA, but can inhibit the accumulation of liver TG and TC; Hovenia dulcis Thunb Water Extraction materials can significantly reduce the concentration of ethanol to accelerate ethanol metabolism, get rid of Changyin drink produced by excessive free radicals, in order to prevent the formation of lipid peroxidation. Yoshikawa et al [11] The Chinese-made Hovenia dulcis Thunb fruits and seeds of the methanol soluble part of doing research and found that this part of the ethanol-induced muscle relaxation and to inhibit the D-galactosamine / LPS-or four-chloride Carbon-induced liver injury has a protective effect, but also to extract a hepatoprotective activity of single hovenitin I. South Korean scholar Park YS et al [12] from South Korea produced Hovenia dulcis Thunb were isolated from the fruits of a hangover from the drugs and highly active dihydro-flavonoids hovenodulinol. There are a lot of literature has reported that the role of hangover, a more systematic coverage of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine of the two master's degree in two papers: "Hovenia dulcis Thunb hangover literature and pharmacodynamics of order" and "Ge Hua and trifoliate orange dulcis Thunb comparative study of the hangover. " 

     South Korea reported that, according to the patent [26], has been Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract of nutmeg and other traditional Chinese medicine, Tianma, Acanthopanax, jujube, Cnidium compound formed to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover as well as the treatment of alcoholic liver disease. Dealcoholic drugs to filter in from the Liver of drugs has become a Japanese scholar studies of new drugs ideas and directions. 

2 The role of Japanese scholars Liver Hase K et al [10] reported that the fruits of the North Hovenia dulcis pairs such as carbon tetrachloride or galactosamine induced liver injury in mice has a protective effect, and found an active ingredient ()  ampelopsin and its activity is higher than the European countries are now commonly used drugs Yiganling governance liver disease, lower than glycyrrhizin. South Korea's Kim and other Korean scholars produced Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract of hexane parts of methanol, chloroform parts, parts of ethyl acetate and water extracts of parts of the carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury model was active screening, obtained chloroform extract parts of a clear hepatoprotective effect conclusions. South Korean scholars for its North Korean Hovenia dulcis shoots and branches of research in the polar part of that area as well as the polar polysaccharides have hepatoprotective activity. The same time, Chinese scholars have reported that their main focus in the right rough Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract the pharmacological model of a simple screening to identify an effective part of their liver protection proposed Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract water solution or methanol extract Paul point of view the role of the liver, but also on the part of Hovenia dulcis Thunb chloroform and flavonoid part of it is part of its hepatoprotective activity reported. It is worth mentioning that this one produced in South Korea reported Hovenia dulcis Thunb is clearly different from made in China. 

Table 3 Hovenia Dulcis Species Found In The Flavonoid Compounds (Abbreviated)

3 Central Nervous inhibition, according to Hiroshi Satito et al [27] research on mice by intraperitoneal injection Hovenia dulcis saponin 30 mg / kg, significantly reduced spontaneous activity and to extend the cyclohexyl barbiturate sleep time; intraperitoneal injection of 30 mg / kg, can specifically inhibit a conditioned reflex, indicating a certain degree of sedation. Mice by intraperitoneal injection 400 mg / kg, the pairs of electrical stimulation and pentylenetetrazol or strychnine-induced convulsions have a certain anticonvulsant effect. 

4 Anti-lipid peroxidation Wang Lin et al [28] found that with 40% Hovenia dulcis Thunb fed, they can significantly reduce the serum, liver and brain tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and showed significant dose-effect relationship  . High-dose group of mice liver, kidney and brain malondialdehyde (MDA) lower than the control group mice were 33.9%, 69.6%, 92% and 26.4%. At the same time in the experiment also found that of 40% Hovenia dulcis Thunb fed, they can significantly reduce the liver, kidney and brain tissue SOD activity showed a clear anti-lipid peroxidation. South Korea reported that, according to the patent [29], there will be Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract of quercetin 3  o  α  L  rhamnose, kaempferol 3  o  α  L  rhamnose, kaempferol phenol 3,7  o  α  L  two rhamnose, caffeine, kaempferol 3  o  a  L  rhamnose (1  6)  O  β  D  glucose (1  2 )  O  β  D  glucose and kaempferol 3  o  α  L  rhamnose  7  O  [β  D  glucose - (1  3)-α-L-rhamnose] and other combinations of multi-component antioxidant activity, as used in food, cosmetics and health products and other areas. 

5 to adapt to the role of 30% as is the child fed when Hovenia dulcis [28], can significantly increase the ability of mice to withstand adverse stimulus, compared with the control group, experimental group mice cold ( 20 ℃), heat (50 ℃) and swimming time were increased by 11.96%, 97.43% and 99.67%. Ji Yang, and others [30] to 10 g crude drug / (kg * d), 2 times / d gavage 21 d, found that water extract of Hovenia dulcis Thunb can significantly increase in mice cold, heat and extend the function of mouse swimming, climbing pole time. 

6 pairs of the role of stress-induced gastric ulcer, according to Hiroshi Staito et al [27] study, mice given Hovenia dulcis saponins (hovenosides, HS), on stress ulcer significantly inhibited, but the oral invalid, while the HS rat pyloric ligation-induced gastric ulcer with no significant increase in the inhibition of carbon through the gastrointestinal tract results show that the end of block, HS can promote intestinal peristalsis, while intestinal rat ileum showed weak poppy-like effect. 

7 inhibit histamine release [4] In the 48/80 and calcium ionophore A  23187-induced rat peritoneal mast cells to release histamine experiments, since the Hovenia dulcis fruit and seeds in the share of Hovenia dulcis saponin A1, A2 and B1 , B2 of the histamine release inhibitory activity was evident. In which A2 and B1 on 48/80 induced histamine release inhibitory strength of slightly larger than A1, B2; A2, B2 of A  23187-induced histamine release inhibitory activity is relatively better. 

8 blood pressure lowering was reported that the water Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract on alloxan diabetic mice has a protective effect [31], it further found that intravenous injection of 0.2 ~ 0.4 mg / kg Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract of n-butanol aqueous solution give rise to normal anesthetized cats mean arterial blood pressure decreased 22 ~ 24 mmHg. Blood pressure caused by intravenous injection duration of the 2 min less than the more short-term [32]. 

9 anti-tumor effect of anti-mutagenic [33] from the north Hovenia dulcis fruit and seeds to be refined by extracting a compound in the Ames test has excellent anti-mutagenic activity, Ji Yang, and others [30] further found that Hovenia dulcis Thunb water extract showed cytotoxicity in vitro, in vivo experiments with anti-tumor effect, the above suggests the drug can be used to prevent cancer. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http://eng.hi138.com

10 Town exocytosis Yasuhiko Akita Japanese scholars such as [34] found that the chloroform Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract inhibit copper sulfate-induced vomiting, and further follow-up to its active ingredient. 

11 health effects, according to Su in [35] reported that Hovenia dulcis fruit commonly known as "Wanshou fruit" in the use of Wanshou fruit-producing areas has a long history, if the fruits and seeds play Guobing powder, flush drink can cure edema, crushing pressure juice fermented "Wanshou wine" is a good green food, wine Changyin Wanshou growth and development is conducive to the human body, health, physical, and longevity. Reported that the North Calligonum glycoside Ⅲ (hoduloside Ⅲ) can selectively inhibit the sweet sensitive feel, while the sour, salty, bitter no significant effect on sweetness modifier can be used as a tool to study taste physiology. 

     In addition, attending Hovenia dulcis leaves drunk, Fengreganmao, Exogenous abdominal pain, stillbirth no less than; leaves decoction, efficacy with Guo Bing, can also vomiting, hangover, and iron bars, hammers poisoning; wooden rule armpit juice fox gas, etc. [ 36]. 

     3 Conclusion

     At present, the right Hovenia dulcis species the chemical composition and pharmacological activity of some studies.
 Experiments and medicinal food experience has shown that this plant extract or one of a series of monomers is likely to become the treatment of alcohol-related liver disease and anti-aging drugs. However, the role of its medicinal ingredients and the mechanism has yet to truly clarify and identify, which may also be that the species is currently restricted to food, skin care, health care products field, one of the reasons have not entered the clinical trial. Therefore, the comprehensive development of resource-rich, long history of Hovenia dulcis medicinal species, for research of new drugs provide the scientific basis for this work is particularly important. 


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