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The physical exercise can reduce the symptoms of psychosis

已有 629 次阅读2017-6-7 19:05 |个人分类:medicine| exercise, physical, reduce

The exercise effect: psychosis and physical activity


According to Reach Out, roughly 3 in 100 people will experience a psychotic episode, most commonly occurring in young adults. Psychosis is the experience of an ‘altered reality’, causing people to misinterpret or obscure what is going on around them. This may be in the form of a hallucination, in which things that are not real are ‘seen’ or ‘heard’, or delusions, which are fixed, but false beliefs.

Regrettably, the long term prospects for young people diagnosed with psychosis are typically poor, with high rates of relapse, unemployment and even premature death.

Now, researchers at the University of Manchester in the UK have uncovered an important link between exercise and psychosis, devising exercise programs that dramatically reduce the symptoms among young people with first-episode psychosis.

The study recruited 31 people aged 18 to 35 who had been referred to local mental health centres for treatment to undertake personalised exercise regimes, carried out under supervision for a ten-week period.

At the end of the ten weeks, the participants completed a variety of standardised mental and physical health tests, along with a small control group which did not complete an exercise program.

According to the results, the exercise group showed a 27 per cent reduction in psychiatric symptoms, which was significantly lower than the control group. Furthermore, this group experienced an improvement in brain function and a small reduction in body weight, going against the expected weight gain associated with some antipsychotics.

Joseph Firth, lead author of the study, explained, ‘By reaching people early on, exercise can provide a healthy and empowering add-on treatment for young people with psychosis. This could massively improve their social functioning and mental health, hopefully preventing long-term disability from ever arising.’

Firth also stresses the importance of establishing an exercise regime from a young age stating that, ‘getting people into a routine early on also helps set habits for life, which can make a huge difference to their long-term physical and mental health.’   Source: Early Intervention in Psychiatry

Impact of physical activity on functioning of patients with first-episode psychosis — A 6 months prospective longitudinal study


Exercise an Effective Intervention for Early Psychosis?

Caroline Cassels  November 15, 2013

Physical activity appears to predict functioning in patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP), a finding that suggests that as an early intervention, exercise may help improve outcomes in this patient population.

A large study conducted by investigators at the University of Hong Kong in China found that physical activity levels in FEP patients significantly predicted 6-month functional outcomes.

"At 6 months, physically inactive patients had poorer functioning than active patients," the investigators, led by Edwin H. M. Lee, MD, write.

The study is published in the November issue of Schizophrenia Research.

High-risk Population

The investigators note that there is growing interest in studying the impact of physical activity on psychological and physical well-being in patients with FEP.

In the general population, physical inactivity is associated with high rates of death and disability due to physical disease; it is also associated with poorer cognitive functioning and an increased risk for global cognitive decline.

The investigators point out that research suggests that the cumulative effect of physical inactivity and antipsychotic use can further boost mortality risk in patients with schizophrenia.

Most of the research in schizophrenia examining the relationship between physical activity and functioning has been conducted in patients with chronic disease, the researchers note.

In the current study, the investigators examined the prevalence of physical activity and functioning in 283 FEP patients aged 25 to 55 years recruited from an early-intervention service for adult-onset psychosis.

Physical activity level, sociodemographics, and clinical characteristics were assessed at study entry.

Physical activity was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), a tool that measures the amount of time spent walking as well as the intensity of physical activity ― low, moderate and high ― in the past 7 days.

Patients were deemed physically active if they scored in the high or moderate range. Patients who scored low were deemed physically inactive.

How Exercise Helps Psychosis Patients?

Community Contributor Dr. Ahmed Zayed


Psychosis is defined as a serious mental disorder characterized by an impairment in the patient's thinking and emotions indicating loss of touch with reality. People who suffer from this disorder have false thoughts, and they often experience hallucinations as well. Patients who suffer from psychosis can recover and treatment usually involves a combination of medications and therapy. However, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Manchester discovered that exercise can also be helpful. This article will discuss how exercise can help psychosis patients.

What does study say?

The lead author of the study mentioned above was Joseph Firth of the University of Manchester. The study included 31 participants aged between 18 and 35 who had been referred to local mental trusts for psychosis treatment. The team of researchers designed personalized exercise plans. Participants performed these exercises under the supervision of researchers for 10 weeks. The lead author of the study stated that participants exceeded the target amounts of exercise. They achieved 107 minutes of vigorous exercise each week during the course of the study.

At the end of study's 10-week period, each participant had to complete various standardized tests regarding their mental and physical health. Researchers also tested participants from the control group who didn't have to follow personalized exercise plans.

The results of the study, published in the Early Intervention in Psychiatry, showed that the participants who had to follow an exercise regimen displayed a 27% reduction in psychiatric symptoms, which was significantly better compared to the participants in the control group. Researchers also revealed that brain functions also improved in the participants from the exercise group. These participants also lost weight, which is extremely important information if we consider the fact that "regular" psychosis treatment is associated with weight gain.

Lead author, Joseph Firth, explained that although this is just a pilot study, the improvements in relieving psychosis symptoms were dramatic. In fact, exercise poses a cost-effective and successful treatment method for psychosis that can, indeed, help young people recover from this severe disorder.

What causes psychosis?

When it comes to psychosis, each case is different. This disorder can occur due to different reasons, and in some cases, the reasons psychosis developed in a patient are unknown. Psychosis can be triggered by some illnesses such Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, chromosomal disorders, Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, other diseases that could trigger psychosis include syphilis, HIV, epilepsy and stroke.

Triggers of psychosis can also include:

• Use of alcohol and illegal drugs
• Cocaine and meth (methamphetamine) 
• LCD and other hallucinogenic drugs
• Not getting enough sleep for a prolonged time period
• Some prescription drugs

What are the symptoms of psychosis?

There are different stages in the development of psychosis. The symptoms of this disorder are divided into signs that occur in the early stage and signs that take place in the later stage.

Symptoms of the early stage of psychosis:

• Depressed mood
• Difficulty concentrating
• Anxiety
• Sleep changes
• Suspiciousness 
• Ongoing unusual beliefs and thoughts 
• Social withdrawal

Signs associated with later stage of psychosis are:

• Hallucinations
• Delusions 
• Anxiety
• Difficulty functioning
• Disorganized speech (switching topics erratically) 
• Symptoms of Depression
• Suicidal thoughts

Most people confuse delusions with hallucinations, but they're quite different. Delusions are false beliefs or impressions that are firmly held even when they are contradicted by reality or what is usually held as true. On the other hand, hallucinations refer to sensory perceptions in the absence of outside stimulus i.e. seeing, hearing, smelling, or feeling something that doesn't exist.

What exercises to do?

Schizophrenia Research study conducted by Edwin H. M. Lee and a team of researchers at the University of Hong Kong showed that yoga and aerobics exercises proved to be beneficial for patients who suffer from psychosis.

The study included 140 female patients and it lasted for 12 weeks. The exercises the patients had to perform while undergoing the study can be found below, and can be used as an inspiration for other patients trying to relieve their symptoms using exercise. The exercise program included:

• Yoga therapy - includes 10 minutes of breathing control, 40-45 minutes of body posture exercises, and 5 minutes of relaxation at least 3 times per week.

• Aerobic exercise - includes walking on the treadmill for 15-20 minutes and stationary cycling for 25-30 minutes.


Psychosis is a severe disorder where patients lose touch with reality. So far, the treatment for this disorder usually includes a combination of therapy and medication. However, experts are still trying to inspect this disorder more thoroughly and discover new ways of relieving its symptoms. For instance, the researchers at the University of Manchester conducted a successful study which showed that physical activity can relieve symptoms of psychosis. Physical activity proved to be beneficial for psychotic patients in another study as well. Researchers from the University of Hong Kong proved that yoga and aerobics lead to patient improvement. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers from psychosis, consulting a healthcare provider for necessary treatment should be coupled with regular physical activity, which is good for mental and physical health.





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