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Trump lashes out at ‘so-called judge’ who blocked Muslim ban 特朗普手撕联邦法 ...

已有 2259 次阅读2017-2-5 18:32 | 穆斯林, 文章

Trump lashes out at judge who blocked Muslim ban 特朗普手撕联邦法官

Trump lashes out at ‘so-called judge’ who temporarily blocked travel ban

By Amy B Wang February 4 at 5:58 PM


     A federal judge in Seattle on Feb. 3 temporarily blocked the enforcement of President Trump’s travel ban. Here’s what you need to know about the judge’s ruling. (Natalie Jennings, Bastien Inzaurralde, Alice Li/The Washington Post)

President Trump ripped into a federal judge's decision to temporarily block enforcement of his controversial travel ban, sending tweets throughout the day.

“When a country is no longer able to say who can, and who cannot , come in & out, especially for reasons of safety &.security — big trouble!” Trump posted on Twitter early Saturday morning.

He also appeared to question the legitimacy of the federal judge who issued the ruling.

“The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!” Trump tweeted.

The tweets came hours after a federal judge in Washington state temporarily blocked enforcement of Trump’s ban on entry to the United States for citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries and refugees from around the world.

U.S. District Judge James L. Robart wrote in his opinion that “fundamental” to the court’s work was “a vigilant recognition that it is but one of three equal branches of our federal government.”

Robart, a judge appointed by George W. Bush, said in his written order that U.S. officials should stop enforcing the key aspects of the ban: the halting of entry by citizens from certain countries and by refugees from around the world. He did not specifically address the matter of those whose visas already had been revoked.

Following the Friday-night ruling, government authorities immediately began communicating with airlines and taking steps that would allow travel by those previously barred from doing so, according to a U.S. official.

At the same time, though, the White House said in a statement that the Justice Department would “at the earliest possible time” file for an emergency stay of the “outrageous” ruling from the judge. Minutes later, it issued a similar statement omitting the word “outrageous.”

“The president’s order is intended to protect the homeland and he has the constitutional authority and responsibility to protect the American people,” the White House said.

Trump signed orders on Jan. 27 not only to suspend admission of all refugees into the United States for 120 days but also to implement “new vetting measures” to screen out “radical Islamic terrorists.” Refugee entry from Syria, however, would be suspended indefinitely, and all travel from Syria and six other nations — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen — is suspended for 90 days. Trump also said he would give priority to Christian refugees over those of other religions, according to the Christian Broadcasting Network.

Hours after it was signed, Trump's executive order sparked massive protests at airports across the country, as reports surfaced that dozens of travelers from the affected countries, including green-card holders, were being detained.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit the following day challenging Trump’s order after two Iraqi men with immigrant visas were barred from entering the United States at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport. Within hours, federal judge Ann M. Donnelly issued a stay to stop the deportations nationwide, noting there was a strong likelihood the order had violated the petitioners' rights to due process and equal protection by the Constitution.

Since then, the travel ban has evolved as Trump's administration has attempted to clarify exceptions to the order. The Department of Homeland Security said the ban would not apply to permanent residents or green-card holders, dual citizens who carry a passport from somewhere other than one of the banned countries and those with NATO or U.N. visas.

Robart's ruling Friday, which was broader than similar ones before it, sets up a high-stakes legal confrontation between the new president and the judicial branch.

The ruling is temporary, and the ultimate question of whether Trump’s executive order will pass constitutional muster will fall to higher-level courts. Legal analysts have said the ban could be difficult to permanently undo because the president has broad authority to set immigration policy.

Later Saturday morning, the State Department announced it would reverse its visa revocations, allowing previously banned travelers to enter the United States.

Trump, presumably responding to the latest development, resumed tweeting his displeasure hours later.

And then again, an hour later:

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Because he's flouted and twisted the law to his own advantage for years as a businessman, our tyro president thinks he can continue to do so in his new job. This is only the first of many surprises for him. Too bad he hasn't better advisors to curb his impulsive would-be-king nature.


Along For The Ride5:04 PM EST

Trump is who our Founding Fathers had in mind when they created our fool-proof system of checks and balances. If there is a heaven, and they are looking down on us, I hope they hear my cry of "Thank you for your brilliant political minds, courage and fortitutde!" Amen. May they all rest in peace.


Goleft4:07 PM EST

Well president "So-called" has just had his first reality check and lesson in the fundamental democratic governance principle - THE SEPARATION OF POWERS.  

No rabid tweets yet? Surprising!  

So good to see ordinary American citizens giving president So-called elementary instruction in rights, liberty and democracy - YES you the people, and WE the people around the world will NOT BE stood over by an orange hairdo.

ThinkingOtherwise4:02 PM EST

Our "so-called" President and his SO-CALLED staff have screwed up again. The people who elected these amateurs should be ashamed and probably some of the DO regret their votes. However, ALL of us will keep paying a price for their foolish vote--and non-vote in November.


Alexander Supertramp3:02 PM EST

I thought children weren't allowed to be president....

FreshFact12:43 PM EST

The full-blown media freak out is very unsettling. An inability to act professionally and report stories in accordance with basic standards and ethics only gives fuel to the polarizing elements on both sides.  


Take a collective deep breath and write more balanced and inclusively and fairly. Without such balance, these endless ranting only further delegitimize the "resistors" as infantile.  


zorro373:34 PM EST

you call balance to praise the abusive actions by this President and his cabinet.

Katherine van Wormer12:26 PM EST

Do you detect a pattern of cruelty here? We need to understand the psychology of this man to understand his rash actions. See my article at http://www.commondreams.org/views/2017/02/03/analy...

FreshFact12:36 PM EST [Edited]

President Obama was analyzed and labeled a narcissist by Sam Varkin, the author of "Malignant Self-Love: Narcissism Revisited". Varkin did pen an article in which he opined that "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist."  


Trump may indeed be the same side of that coin if the musings of some experts bears out.

Canarsie12311:56 AM EST

Thank G-d Frederick Douglas Boulevard saved us from more carnage in the Bowling Green Massacre.


FreshFact11:23 AM EST

Here are the actual masked Nazis caught on video after being stopped by a lone bystander. Those 20 Nazis were beating one person who was trying to attend an event at Berkeley. The FBI is now investigating.  



Yoknapatawpha10:44 AM EST

The tweets are clearly a dog whistle call to bannon's nazis to attack a respected federal judge appointed by GW Bush. Could anyone else get away with threatening a federal judge? I hope state authorities have formed a protective shield around the judge and his family.


newsobserver110:00 AM EST

Could repudiation by the counts cause a mental meltdown in the So-called President?


emistruth9:57 AM EST

A so-called President griping about a Bush appointed conservative Republican federal judge. Bizarre.


RoundPonda9:33 AM EST

Dirty, Disgusting, Despicable, Deplorable, Donald.! NEVER stop criticizing The PuzzieGrabber In Chief...!!! 


Sten9:30 AM EST [Edited]

I hope everyone realizes, and the Press focuses on, Bannon's travel ban was a deliberate conman's misdirection of the public's attention away from the simultaneous executive order dismantling the financial regulation of Wall St that was put in place after our massive financial meltdown. Notice nobody's talking about it, just the "easy" target of this ban.


emistruth9:59 AM EST

Think you're on to something. Bait and switch. We swallowed the bait.

wbtyler4:14 PM EST

Notice that Trump is trying to dismantle the Obama-era rule that requires financial advisers to act in the best interests of their clients. What a concept! Of course I'd want to get financial advice from someone who was more concerned with which investments paid him the most commission than with which investments were good for me.

newsobserver19:15 AM EST

Starting point for listening to Trump: Assume whatever he says is untrue. Whether it is a lie or not depends on how delusional he is.


newsobserver19:11 AM EST

"So-called President Trump." what a good descriptor for him.


C-Money8:16 AM EST

Trumps tweet that several Middle Eastern countries agree with the ban? I would love for him to tell us what countries he is referring too! Once again he is exaggerating the truth.


Janet Pawlik8:15 AM EST

trump is so deranged and psychologically ill that soon he will not be content with his twitter wars, especially if his mean tweets don't generate the attention he craves. It may sound irrational, but he could start a real war with no one to stop him. Just think of all the unthinkable things he has said and done so far. I don't put anything past this psychopath.


trytobenice8:12 AM EST

At this point, we need our judicial system to save our country, our democracy, and our constitution. And we need the free press to do their jobs. Congress has failed.


Janet Pawlik8:16 AM EST

You got that exactly right. Thanks.


emistruth10:00 AM EST

When has the United States Congress ever put the public welfare above re-election? 1906 with the Pure Food and Drug Act?

atlasusa8:01 AM EST

U.S. District Judge James L. Robart  

put a stop  

to Donald Trump's Executive DISorder !


Gerta Mae8:01 AM EST

Be honest. If your neighbor was a loud-mouth, blowhard, who was never seen without a neon-orange spray tan and the weirdest hair-do this side of Zero Mostel, who tweeted creepy, bizarre stuff at 3 a.m., had a constant stream of White Supremacists coming and going, and he was constantly bragging about grabbing women's genitals - well would you warn your family, especially your wife/daughter to stay the he!! away from the crazy guy?  


Would you let your daughter shake his hand? Be alone in a room with him?


Janet Pawlik8:18 AM EST

May I add his bizarre affection for all things Russian, especially Putin.


Goleft4:01 PM EST

OH Yes! Very crisp Gerta. Bang on!! To answer your question - NO WAY!  

Maybe a guard dog would be handy to have around as well.

lerobinsontff8:00 AM EST

Trump "misspoke" just like Ms. Connors did. 

The restraining order did not stop the vetting process. 

The restraining order did forbid the banning of ALL [vetted or not] from entry from those on Donald's list. 

Another lying temper tantrum from a biologically 70 year old but a mentally 5 year old.


overandone7:53 AM EST

Our "So Called President" Trump was is and always will be a lying sack of sh t


rdrr7:53 AM EST

Realdoll never needed to build frustration tolerance, runs for president. Bad move.


corinth067:46 AM EST





(somebody teach this thing about OUR government. It sounds like he's aching for a donny–DICTATORSHIP)


Kentucky Reader7:31 AM EST

This a$$hole has no respect for our method of government....his party needs to ostracize him, but they will not.


Frederic D Vellucci7:19 AM EST

This so-called president should shut his stupid mouth.


mcafla7:03 AM EST

You know today's Republicans are faux conservatives when they don't criticize Trump for disrespecting and vilifying the third branch of government. Checks and balance boys and girls, if ever there was a need for a check on the chaotic, bizarre, shoot from the lip presidency it is now.


Gorbe676:57 AM EST

Our so-called president throws a hissy fit (again) when he doesn't get his way. What else is new? The man heaps compliments upon you when you praise him; and hurls insults when you don't. Arrested development. 


The judicial branch is presently our last (and only hope) to maintain checks and balances. The GOP congress is too firmly stuck to Trump's rear end to be of much use to be a check on Executive overreach.


RandyRW6:52 AM EST

Does anyone else remember that time during the campaign when the Donald said we would stop tweeting if he won because it wouldn't be "presidential"?


Gorbe676:58 AM EST

I remember. But, I didn't believe him then and I've seen nothing in his conduct to start believing anything that comes out of his mouth now.



Donald Trumps tweets are actually illegal and add another layer on to the "ban but not a ban" but a break but ban... our legal system makes it pretty clear that you cannot threaten or harass the judge or any person affiliated with any case at any time. Trump needs to keep his mouth shut and simply state: "The courts are handling this case an I am sure things will work out". If you were in any other case this would be reported and handled by the courts as another charge. By giving Trump another free pass to break the law - what message are we sending? The Republicans are a party of big money lawyers they need to reign their law breaking president in. He is engaging in a criminal offense just by sending those tweets.


RandyRW6:51 AM EST

Trump keep his mouth shut? LOL!


Gorbe677:02 AM EST

Recall that Trump went after the judge who allowed the suit on his faux University to proceed. Trump made the judge's Mexican heritage an issue to attempt to undermine his impartiality. It was such an assault on the integrity of our system that even a few GOP congressman (with a rooted appreciation for our legal system) grew a spine and said as much publicly. Where have all the cowboys gone?


mcafla7:07 AM EST

Just more evidence that today's Republicans are faux conservatives or "so called" conservatives by allowing Trump to get away with publically denigrating the third branch of government.


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hollyhock16:40 AM EST

The new god trump is very displeased and wants to huff and puff the US down.


RandyRW6:35 AM EST [Edited]

We'll know we are in really big trouble when Captain Trump starts ranting about the strawberries.


corinth066:23 AM EST





DocinDC6:22 AM EST

Spicer's Vise and Trump's Self-Contradictory Delusion: 


The hostile, media-as-opposition-party approach of the President forces Spicer, driven by the President and other Senior Advisers, to take this role with the press. It does not come naturally to him, and he overplays it, attempting to manifest the hardline, threatening approach that Trump has told him to adopt, and then shift into friend of the press mode.  


He is clearly anxious, conflicted, pressured, and can only last so long in this space without falling into a regular authoritarian pose, manning up and standing there as him self, or leaving.  


It's a matter that goes beyond himself--the position he takes shapes the voices of the Administration, the reaction of the press, and the perception of the world of Trumpland as one that will be a Putinesque one, emphasizing repression and distortion, or one approaching a greater degree of relative honesty, as Trump will refuse to let go. 


The President can't on the one one hand long for good press, and on the other hand label them as disgusting, terrible, and horrible in an attempt to intimidate them into giving him the coverage that he desires. This is simply consistent with the desire to game the system--and it may work with 1980's tabloid gossip, but not here.  


Spicer is caught in a vise--a need to provide the President with the hostile, aggressive approach that he desires, and the desire of the press to collect actual information and facts, rather than the diluted, alt-fact spin that the President wishes to attempt to game the odds.  


Trump must realize that he is President. He will have to live with truth. With facts. Sometimes they will work out well. Sometimes not. But that is what it means to serve America, not simply serve yourself. 



See More


Not My President Ever6:20 AM EST

Trump is the "so called" POTUS. Not my president. I have zero respect for the bigoted low-life. The ban wan't about safety, its about bigotry and xenophobia.


Gorbe677:06 AM EST

If Trump was serious about terrorist threats, Saudi Arabia would have been on his list. After all, that's where all but one of the 9/11 hijackers came from. But, we all know Trump is about bravado and appearing to deliver promises that his supporters will not discern as fodder.


RoundPonda9:42 AM EST [Edited]

Yes. 19 hijackers plus tRUMP RECENTLY registered 8 companies in Saudi Arabia: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/3...


corinth066:19 AM EST




(what would Ronny say?)


hollyhock16:03 AM EST

Our 'so-called' president acts as if he is terrorized at the idea of encountering anyone who doesn't look just like him. Unfortunately, I have a neighbor who acts the same way.


RGBenson6:00 AM EST

Our so-called President opened his mouth and his typical drivel rushed out stinking up our country.


rdrr5:37 AM EST

He is called judge because he's a judge, it's not complicated.


Cyclguy5:30 AM EST

We have yet to hear word 1 from SCOTUS since the election. I truly believe they are stunned and worried. THIS is not what they envision as a properly functioning government. These constant attacks on the judiciary will become a true hazard when he starts in on SCOTUS also. He is trying to neuter the judicial branch. In addition, these twitter attacks (how I hate that app) are attempts to turn public opinion against the courts, and that would be the last step before a complete collapse of the government. ENOUGH! We must put a stop to this entire disgraceful situation.


Gorbe677:11 AM EST

He's also trying to undermine the credibility of the media. To be fair, the media has been under attack by the right-wing long before Trump came along. But, Trump has made an art of it. And listening to some of Trump's ardent supporters says he has managed to turn them rabid against the press. If Trump can do the same thing re: the judicial branch, we will be in perilous times - or at least have to start worrying more about home-grown anti-government extremists acting out (think: Oklahoma City, etc.).


llciec7:23 AM EST

Cyclguy - how do you propose we put a stop to this disgraceful situation? Those who are in position to do so, refuse to do anything.  

Cyclguy5:16 AM EST

Dolt. Idiot. Fool. Nincompoop. Oaf. Dullard. Low intelligence. Amoral.  


Excuse me while I go look at a thesaurus.


Unbrainwashed5:57 AM EST

You've just sent 25% of the population to Google to look up thesaurus.


Lurking Antipodean5:09 AM EST

The doctrine of separation of powers is actually a thing, Donald.


Cyclguy5:25 AM EST



Gorbe677:13 AM EST

It's only a "good thing" when the president is a Democrat. Didn't you get the memo?


OnStarboardTack4:58 AM EST

Another tweetstorm from the tiny-fingered tweeter tantrum toddler? 


What a pathetic little whiner...


Cyclguy5:17 AM EST

Is that you Spiro Agnew? The alliteration is a give away. Nice!


GeneralissimoCuatroEfes6:11 AM EST

Our so called President, today's nattering nabob of negatavism.


GeneralissimoCuatroEfes6:18 AM EST

...negativism. Hope I don't end up indicted for that one.


ApolloEleven4:27 AM EST

"so-called judge"? This means Trump doesn't recognise him as a judge and others do. Very scary words to be said by a sitting President. This man can't lead. Who doesn't see what we are seeing in Trump?


mileage4:49 AM EST

But, clearly, we have a "so-called" President. Still waiting for a real one.


Cyclguy5:17 AM EST

He removed the judicial branch from whitehouse.gov!

Cyclguy5:19 AM EST

Darn it, they put it back up. But Karen Pence is listed under administration?????


hollyhock16:05 AM EST

Trump is a 'so-called' president.

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Clance4:19 AM EST

Quote: "The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!" 


Sorry Trump, the courts interpret the laws, it's the same for everyone, including President Trump. If anyone is usurping the law, it's you! The Judge you criticize is a solid republican appointed by president Bush. Pull your head out Donald, your rich boy antics have no place in serious politics.


Cyclguy5:20 AM EST

Wait, wouldn't law enforcement fall under the justice system? That's what they teach in school. So what's 'outrageous' about this?


Gorbe677:15 AM EST

Like most things, it's a figment of Trump's paranoid imagination.


hollyhock16:06 AM EST

'So-called' president'.


RikerX4:06 AM EST

The country simply CANNOT continue to be governed in this manner. Somethings got to give, and soon.


RikerX4:02 AM EST [Edited]

All this caterwalling fom our so-called president....what an unholy racket...!


Melina633:31 AM EST

He lashes out at everybody who does not approve of what he is doing. He is not leading, he circumvents even his own close people unless it is Bannon, his son-in law. He just tries everything and hopes some of it will stick whether it is legal or not. Yes it is amazing how many cowards are in the Trump swamp who still go along with him. Let's hope the law or anything he is doing or trying to do will get him fired.


solidarnosc17763:31 AM EST

So-called PUS Trump can take his strange urges and cravings and move back to his Russian prostitutes and his liege-lord Putin.


Cubby22:52 AM EST

What scares me most in all of this is that so many are OK-fine with Trump wanting to play Dictator. He disses his own government, bad-mouths judges, sasses our allies, plays fast & loose with the Constitution, punishes anyone who fails to cheer him, hands over the reins of power to a self-described Leninist, and now appears to be on his way to consult with Putin. But posts from Trump supporters are unshaken. Has Sean Hannity yet recommended that us non-Trump people be arrested for sedition? I remember him saying that abo


Cyclguy5:23 AM EST

There are people in this country who are not comfortable with having to learn issues and make decisions. They want someone to do it for them. It is the same in other places also. Many of our citizens have become lazy and indolent. They want everything handed to them "Bring me jobs! Bring them right here, don't make me go anywhere! While you're at it, get rid of anybody with 'too much' of a tan."

Gorbe677:18 AM EST [Edited]

Unfortunately, historical context and discernment are a scarcity among Trump's base. Sadly, we may all have to suffer for them to learn a hard lesson. I wish they would at least pick up a book on the rise and fall of dictators to see why some of us are horrified by Trump's words; and his attack on our system of checks and balances.


rdrr2:50 AM EST

@realDonaldTrump: I will defeat the very WEAK Constitution bigly. BOO!


ReconVet2:46 AM EST

Well, our so-called POTUS is a disgrace to this great nation. Sorry Donnie boy ....you work for the American people, not the other way around. Hopefully, the American people will tell you "you're fired!" The sooner we get your sorry a$$ out of the White House, along with your America hating buddy, Bannon, the better!


RikerX4:03 AM EST



racerg2:41 AM EST

The president needs a new--and smarter--Svengali.


LenieL2:10 AM EST

Trump tries to delegitimize the press, the judiciary, those in Congress who oppose him, and anyone else who challenges his BS and lies by attacking them. In addition, he tells people he's the only one who can fix things, says he respects and admires Putin more than he does anyone in this country and refuses to divest of his business interests. These are all signs that he wants to be a dictator rather than a president. Those of us who are smart and see this will never allow this scum to ruin our country.


Gorbe677:21 AM EST

His base is more impressed with this ape beating his chest. Being reasonable, responsible and showing some respect for our system of checks and balances aren't nearly as arousing.

wp28292:02 AM EST [Edited]

If this matter goes to the Supreme court and judges who vote against Trump's travel ban may also become "so-called judges" and "ridiculous". So what's the problem with all this ? 

It's obviously Trump - not only did he not pay attention in his Science and Math classes in school, he also likely flunked his "Social Studies" and "US History" classes.  

Trump REALLY needs to read US Constitution, AND UNDERSTAND the 3 branches of our government including how it works.  

Maybe Kellyanne Conway can read a page at a time of History and Social Studies in the form of a sweet LULLABY to Trump?


OnePlusOne1:45 AM EST [Edited]

Donald Trump is having Judge Trouble again.  


Last year it offended Trump when Judge Gonzalo Curiel, an American of Mexican heritage, was assigned to preside over the civil lawsuit against the now-defunct Trump University. Now, Trump lashes out at the “so-called judge” who temporarily blocked the travel ban imposed by Trump.. 


On November 18, 2016, ten days after election, Trump was obliged to "settle" the lawsuit for the enormous sum of TWENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, having defrauded thousands of unsuspecting students of Trump "University." No wonder, for Donald Trump, "Judg" has become a nasty 4-letter word.  



BernieforPres2:00 AM EST

I harken back to that night in '73 when another Republican president, one Richard Nixon by name, had to fire the Attorney General and his immediate successor to find a Judge he could appoint to the AG slot who would be willing to fire Archibald Cox, the Harvard Law Professor who had been appointed the Watergate Special Prosecutor. (That Judge was Robert Bork- -and Nixon had to promise him the next vacant seat on the Supreme Court to get him to fire Cox) That later became known as the "Saturday Night Massacre." I remember watching on TV that moment when Professor Cox leaned toward the microphone and in the quietest voice imaginable announced, "The time is now come when we must decide whether we are a government of laws, or a government of men." 

Is there anyone here who does NOT see a Special Prosecutor in Donald Trump's not-too-distant future?


sherberg1:36 AM EST

Congress please (and that means you Paul Ryan), please, grow a spine, put your big boy pants on, do the job you were elected to do, and do what's right for the country. We are sick of is tweets, his temper tantrums, his lies, his swindling the country, and his poor performance as chief. He has already cost lives in a bungled military operation, and who knows how many more will die if he is left in office.  




Gorbe677:25 AM EST

Paul Ryan's "job" is to fulfill Ayn Rand's Utopian dream of every man for himself; ... and to get re-elected so he can continue to ensure government cannot function ... so that angels (a/k/a humans) can run the market and give us all bliss on earth. Amen.


sherberg1:32 AM EST

How in the world does the Donald not understand that he is not "the country"? Did he really think he could just do what ever he wanted and nobody was going to stand up for the Constitution, or what the people of this country want?


Jo Friday1:46 AM EST [Edited]

I think he thought he could intimidate and bully those who don't adore him. Obviously, he's wrong. This country screwed up big-time in this election, but there are signs of hope.


Gorbe677:26 AM EST

Copernicus was wrong. Trump is the center of our solar system.

ArnieGeddon1:22 AM EST [Edited]

Picture him now: Beads of orange sweat (bizarre, but ... ) popping from his cankly brow; hair akimbo; waddling around the First Bedroom (vacant now, after the dismissal of another quietly giggling concubine); trying to compose a Suitably Cutting Tweet to fire at SNL and Baldwin. Smart-phone clenched in tiny fingers, the stubby things about to let loose another whack-job diatribe that only the truly stupid consider coming from a normal guy, let alone a president. "Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of dementia!"


ArnieGeddon1:22 AM EST [Edited]

Picture him now: Beads of orange sweat (bizarre, but ... ) popping from his cankly brow; hair akimbo; waddling around the First Bedroom (vacant now, after the dismissal of another quietly giggling concubine); trying to compose a Suitably Cutting Tweet to fire at SNL and Baldwin. Smart-phone clenched in tiny fingers, the stubby things about to let loose another whack-job diatribe that only the truly stupid consider coming from a normal guy, let alone a president. "Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of dementia!"


17th-airborne1:06 AM EST

What kind of free country is this if you can't call a U.S. district court judge an idiot. God knows, there have been plenty of idiots among them.

ArnieGeddon1:24 AM EST

Or, conversely - what kind of country is this that you can't do the job you are paid handsomely for without the president having a $%it-fit ... does that work as well?


ethicalculture1:38 AM EST [Edited]

or, what kind of country is it that elects a lunaticer like donald trump as their president?


LenieL2:14 AM EST

You call judges idiots but seem okay with Trump's immature, inexcusable behavior. Sorry, but your opinion is diminished if you voted for that incompetent moron.

William Fox3:39 AM EST

to ethical It's called acting "Presidential"

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pcc74071:04 AM EST

He's a real judge, Donnie. You're fake alternative news.


Ithinkthat1:00 AM EST

Our "so-called" President think that he is the only person who has a right to an opinion. Well, again, he is wrong. His string of lies is getting longer by the day. When will Congress act to enforce the rights of the people and the judiciary?


YellowTulips12:50 AM EST

I don't trust or respect this incompetent, reckless man with no impulse control.


RockMont12:42 AM EST

Please, oh please, do give Zimbabwe a call Mr. S-CPOTUS. (Maybe SNL has some inside information.)

theNATuralVA12:35 AM EST

The President is an idiot


ArnieGeddon12:22 AM EST

The story thus far: So-called POTUS Donnie Trump (no .. seriously, folks .. Donald %*$#ing Trump), feeling aggrieved because a learned jurist has once again shot down one of his lame-brained EOs (though all sentient folks know he had no more to do with the drafting of those than he did the original Constitution; far too narcissistic and busy stroking his own soft regions to contemplate life beyond), issued a typically unhinged Tweet to properly enunciate his spittle-flecked displeasure. But wait! Alec Baldwin and SNL just laid into him again! Displaying him before millions as the emperor without clothes (don't think about it) that he is! Brace yourselves, folks ... Donnie's focus (so-called) has shifted and he is preparing another maniacal Tweet to come. Just like Lincoln and Reagan would do. The horror ... the horror ....


Randy Bell12:27 AM EST [Edited]

musn't underestimate him, though. He's a fighter and people have underestimated him ever since he started his campaign.

ArnieGeddon12:37 AM EST

With all due respect - and I mean that sincerely; I have taken note of your posts here and they are all civil and polite, which puts them in stark contrast to the political discourse today - I do disagree. I would argue that Trump is not a fighter; he's a bully. When, during the campaign, he had the chance to go toe-to-toe with Clinton, he got whipped every time. But the gormless, the uneducated and the greedy ignored that, and sallied forth. Sadly, Dem voters did not. So it goes ....


Jindokae1:18 AM EST

Actually, we underestimated the stupidity of the electorate.


Randy Bell1:26 AM EST

yeh I know, Arnie: all my relatives in Southern AL, I cannot talk to them about politics, they live in Trumpville where everyone voted for Mr. T: brainwashed, thoroughly! - he he ..


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Goleft12:51 AM EST [Edited]

Thanks ArnieGeddon. just watched the Baldwin/ SNL latest sketch.  

Side-splitting - again. Never fails. I always have to have the Ventolin handy. 

Nice bland portrayal of our PM Malcolm Turnbull. Yes, he is indeed dignified, refined, educated, accomplished and rich. A real pity about your guy!!


ArnieGeddon1:17 AM EST

And thanks back. Yes, it is. But this, too, shall pass - and I bet a lot sooner than some think. What follows, however ...


Jo Friday12:18 AM EST [Edited]

dog: I think the judge ruled that the Attorneys General had standing to sue over the immigration ban. And he's correct - their states have been impacted in that foreign students, tech workers, and others who have the right to be here are being kept out. He didn't rule on their lawsuit. He said it could go forward, and in the meantime, the ban should be on hold. 


So why aren't you stomping around about the Attorneys General? Spread your stomping out a bit. 


(Is that all correct, you legal scholars? Obviously dog isn't one...)


ProudPublicSchoolTeacher12:14 AM EST

Wow. You know Trump's ban on humanity was a terrible thing when even Chris Christie is criticizing it.


astrodog12:02 AM EST

The hilarious thing is you guys just meekly accept the idea that we must follow what some half-wit judge says but have no clue why. Norms? Traditions? History? Nope. Just laziness. The president and Congress should (and I predict will) tell this judge to go to hell and ignore him. Right now form is holding, but it is empty. The judiciary has sunk.

Jo Friday12:05 AM EST

You really should go back to school. Or back... SOMEwhere.


ProudPublicSchoolTeacher12:05 AM EST

The Judicial Branch of our federal government has just as much power as the Executive Branch. The President controls only one-third of the pie, whether Trump likes it or not.


astrodog12:07 AM EST

Nailed it. Coequals. Somehow we forgfot that when it comes to the courts. For convenience. Trump has the power to enforce laws. Or not.


Jo Friday12:08 AM EST

astrodog reminds us of how we elected this disaster in the first place. SAD.


presto66812:15 AM EST

"Trump has the power to enforce laws." 


Yeah, but he doesn't have the power to rule by fiat, which is what he's trying to do.


presto66812:07 AM EST [Edited]

Looks like someone wasn't paying attention in Civics class. 


"The president and Congress should (and I predict will) tell this judge to go to hell and ignore him." 


Let me ask you this: Do you really want to get to the point where the President and the Congress can just ignore the judiciary? What happens the next time the Democrats are in power? Or do you just assume it's going to be the GOP now forever and ever?


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ProudPublicSchoolTeacher12:01 AM EST

Judge Robart studied at Georgetown Law Center. 


Where did Trump get his law degree again? How about Steve Bannon? Steve Miller?


ArnieGeddon12:40 AM EST

Trump U.


OnePlusOne12:00 AM EST

Donald is lashng out again, tweeting ferociously, swatting everything in sight that offends him, which is just about everything.  


Given Donald Trump’s well-publicized, serious behavioral problems, makes you wonder why, eleven days before election, FBI Director James Comey felt compelled to rush to the rescue of the floundering Trump.  


solidarnosc17762/4/2017 11:55 PM EST

Can't just blame it on the finasteride.  


Trump's failures as a man go back over a quarter-century ago.  


Fact: What broke up Trump’s first marriage? Ivana “confided to female friends that Donald had difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection.”


ArnieGeddon12:47 AM EST

Ah, gawd ... as if we don't have enough horrible images of this guy staring us in the face right now ...

MortalCoil2/4/2017 11:54 PM EST

so called president


Curmudgeon592/4/2017 11:54 PM EST

Ad hominem ad infinitum.

SpidermanDC2/4/2017 11:53 PM EST

And I would grant a stay of execution on any court order pertaining to the immigration proclamation. 


Truthfullyfact2/4/2017 11:50 PM EST

Trump really hates when someone doesn't agree with his dictatorship! 

But he sure love's PUTIN and hates America! Trump recently seen on FAKE FOX NEWS!


astrodog2/4/2017 11:49 PM EST [Edited]

The judiciary knows how vulnerable it has become through its own myopia and incompetence. If Trump declares he won't follow this ruling there is nothing the judiciary can do. Because the people hate you; they see you for the power grubbing connivers you truly are. There is not a thing the judiciary could do. Its comeuppance is long overdue.

Jo Friday2/4/2017 11:52 PM EST

You should hire on as Trump's speechwriter. You're equally nuts, but you do it with better words.


bogbug2/4/2017 11:52 PM EST

Canine in outer space is what your name says. Can't disagree with that.


Curmudgeon592/4/2017 11:56 PM EST

So much for constitutional scholarship ...


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spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:47 PM EST

crank down on them liberals and give them no mercy 


they don't have any for you. I hope he does.

Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:48 PM EST

may be a long war, hehe ..

Jo Friday2/4/2017 11:45 PM EST

Trump is getting behind in his tweeting. There are several people who have insulted him lately that he hasn't gotten around to.


ProudPublicSchoolTeacher12:24 AM EST

Oh, give him a few minutes. Alec Baldwin was on again tonight.


Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:42 PM EST [Edited]

DOJ has already filed an appeal; I guess people are aware of that but it has come out in the news. I guess we'll all eat crow if DOJ wins, but it has been interesting to watch all the various parts of our gov't at work.

GaryBonner2/4/2017 11:45 PM EST

Actually, the DOJ has NOT actually filed an appeal. They have filed a "notice of appeal." There is a huge difference. A notice of appeal, simply tells the court that you intend to file a written legal argument appealing the decision of the original order. Until there is an actual appeal, there is nothing for the court of appeals to adjudicate. The DOJ may also request a lifting of the stay pending their appeal, which they will no doubt LOSE.


Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:46 PM EST

thx, Gary, I'm not a constitutional lawyer and generally have no clue.  Smile


4 the people12:19 AM EST [Edited]

The government apparently didn't have a good factual justification for the order at the hearing before district court. So, although you never know what an appellate court is going to do, they can't add facts now. Seems likely that the Trump order is going to lose again.


Randy Bell12:36 AM EST

time will tell ..


SpidermanDC2/4/2017 11:40 PM EST

I would file a motion that challenges that legitimacy of lawyers and the legal system. 


GaryBonner2/4/2017 11:42 PM EST

I would argue that you lack the mental competency to be heard in court or to make basic decisions about your daily life, including voting. I'd probably win, too.


ArnieGeddon2/4/2017 11:38 PM EST

Just watching Alec Baldwin do Trump again. No matter how bizarre the portrayal, it's still preferable to the so-called 'real' thing.


Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:43 PM EST

he has been hilarious. I have nothing against the President but Baldwin is a good actor and his Trump impression is really, really funny IMHO ..


ArnieGeddon2/4/2017 11:49 PM EST

Like all good actors, he finds one or two immediately recognizable hooks and runs with them - in this case, that Trump scowl works nicely. As an aside: Have we ever seen Trump issue a genuine happy smile? I don't recall one, but it's not like I watch any more than I must.


SpidermanDC2/4/2017 11:37 PM EST

I would argue that lawyers are illegal. 


23tufa2/4/2017 11:38 PM EST

Is that what your line will be when you're in the clink and they give you a quarter to make a call?


Nat Erin Naibob2/4/2017 11:52 PM EST

Cops usually don't arrest Krylon-huffers unless they've become enamored of neighbors' pets or are at risk of choking on bright shiny objects. He'll pass out here in a minute.....


grave_doubt2/4/2017 11:37 PM EST

Trump is a troll.


remuda12/4/2017 11:36 PM EST

Jimmy Robart's new theme song....(if the compost lets it post this time) 


astrodog2/4/2017 11:35 PM EST [Edited]

Well the judge in question is an embarrassment with a history of oddball behavior. He was appointed at the behest of the state's two liberal senators. The ruling itself is absurd. The problem is that it is in the 9th Circuit, which barely qualifies as an appellate court, and the Supreme Court has a guaranteed 4 votes that will rubber stamp anything the Democratic party orders them to. So you have a dysfunctional judiciary that is part of the general dysfunction of our entire government, and which has created post-Constitutionalism. 

The proper course is for Trump to seek a legal solution but if the judiciary remains too politicized to function, then to declare the ruling null and void and to ignore it just like Lincoln did with Merryman.  

Biggy022/4/2017 11:36 PM EST

So thankful Trump is not dysfunctional. If he were we would be in trouble in these sensitive and dangerous times.


Jo Friday2/4/2017 11:38 PM EST

I suppose we're lucky he doesn't DRINK.


23tufa2/4/2017 11:37 PM EST

Cmon man.... your prez says we are winning. Winning, I tell you! Why be all down in the dumps about everything?

ArnieGeddon2/4/2017 11:39 PM EST

Are you circling uranus at this moment, Astrodog?


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Biggy022/4/2017 11:34 PM EST

I remember when the Republicans respected, loved, and believed in our Constitution. Now they ridicule it. I guess my memory is not what it used to be. I should realize that Trump is bigger than any silly old Constitution we were once ruled by and revered.


Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:38 PM EST

he ran more as a Populist than a Republican

ArnieGeddon2/4/2017 11:40 PM EST

But the GOP got on board from the outset; he is a Republican president. And he ran more as an unhinged rainmaker than anything else, so ...


Rocketman442/4/2017 11:33 PM EST [Edited]

"Trump lashes out at ‘so-called judge’" 

So what's the big deal about a "so-called" judge?  

We have a so-called president.


Curmudgeon5912:04 AM EST

... and we are the so-called people that he pledged to give a renewed voice in Washington. It's all Swamp Talk.

Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:33 PM EST

Tom Holland, retired law professor, could you post your rebuttal to remuda1's post about the Federal Court System? [am confused now] ..

23tufa2/4/2017 11:35 PM EST

and I quote, from Tom Holland, retired law professor's post: "Speaking as a retired law professor, that is the biggest load of garbage I've read in a long time."


Tom Holland2/4/2017 11:49 PM EST

That's my rebuttal. Read it and weep.


spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:31 PM EST

We are surrounded and outnumbered.  


Good, now we got them where they will have to fight.

23tufa2/4/2017 11:33 PM EST

hopefully that bottle in front of you will be empty soon...

Who-me2/4/2017 11:36 PM EST

The bottle in front of me or a frontal lobotomy


presto6682/4/2017 11:33 PM EST

Reminder that Donnie lost by 3 million votes. You're surrounded and outnumbered. You probably should stay home with the covers pulled over your head.


spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:35 PM EST

all you get is twinkies making insults.

GaryBonner2/4/2017 11:31 PM EST

So the President of the United States, who absolutely chafes at any shade thrown on his "legitimacy" as President is casting aspersion on the legitimacy of a sworn sitting federal Judge. What a sorry, weak, feckless, example to set for our kids and others watching around the world. Trump can't bring himself to act, react and behave graciously for the sake of his nation EVER. He can't get his mind off himself long enough to consider the nation's best interest first EVER.


FisConSocMod2/4/2017 11:31 PM EST

a judge appointed by the GOP!


practical2/4/2017 11:34 PM EST

He doesn't recognize that there IS anyone but himself.


Peter Canberra12:43 AM EST

Does he remind you of Nixon's ravings too ?

DoctorZ2/4/2017 11:30 PM EST

Let's not forget that this is the second time that Trump has wrongfully gone after a federal judge. He also went after a federal judge in California who was assigned the Trump University fraud cases. I have never experienced a presidency that has violated so many clauses and amendments of our great Constitution over an entire term, let alone two weeks. His attacks on the press and the intelligence community have been unprecedented. I worry that our institutions ultimately may not be able to weather the constant attacks by Trump. If he continues, he should be impeached.


FisConSocMod2/4/2017 11:32 PM EST [Edited]


remuda12/4/2017 11:30 PM EST

Jim Robart's theme song... 


thoughtfulapproach2/4/2017 11:29 PM EST

I would say " Here come da judge" but that would date me...


presto6682/4/2017 11:32 PM EST

If anybody's sleepin', better give 'em a nudge. Everybody look alive, 'cause here come the judge.


ArnieGeddon2/4/2017 11:42 PM EST

'Twas Sammy D., in fact, wasn't it? (Showing my age, and can't be bothered Googling it .... )


practical2/4/2017 11:27 PM EST

Where is the Contempt Order? The Chief Executive is a named party as the person in authority and should be found in criminal contempt. Where's the Marshal hauling his behind to jail?


Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:30 PM EST [Edited]

can't do that, highly highly unlikely: Scroll down and read remuda1's cogent post about how the Federal Court System works. EDIT: a retired law professor has suggested a rebuttal, so I am unsure about how it all works - but NO, I doubt they have enough to bring any 'charges' against a Sitting President.

23tufa2/4/2017 11:31 PM EST

You mean the post that was b-slapped silly by a retired law professor?


23tufa2/4/2017 11:27 PM EST

When does the uniting part start? Just curious...


spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:27 PM EST

only a couple ways for that to happen

23tufa2/4/2017 11:28 PM EST

impeachment, and...?


presto6682/4/2017 11:29 PM EST

Go on....


ArnieGeddon2/4/2017 11:43 PM EST

spontaneous human combustion ....


rg1252/4/2017 11:31 PM EST

Uniting is everywhere. Putin and Trump are uniting. EXXON and Russia are uniting.


Nebraskaindependent2/4/2017 11:26 PM EST

I never knew we employed so called judges. Did the so called Senate confirm him? Did so called Pres. Bush appoint him. Do you think he is one of those 5,000,000 illegal voters???? Could this be an alternative fact??


optimist52/4/2017 11:41 PM EST

All facts have become alternative.


rg1252/4/2017 11:25 PM EST

Glorious Leader Kim Jong Trump attacks another US Judge.


remuda12/4/2017 11:25 PM EST

What I liked about the Judge was his bow tie. Reminded me of "Hasty" in the Jesse Stone 'Paradise' series.  


Only problem, the judge forgot to turn off the flashing lights...

APennyForYourThoughts2/4/2017 11:25 PM EST

Is SNL live tonight? 

thoughtfulapproach2/4/2017 11:26 PM EST

Think so.

APennyForYourThoughts2/4/2017 11:23 PM EST

Time to impeach the so-called President.


spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:24 PM EST

granny , you better stay at home.

APennyForYourThoughts2/4/2017 11:25 PM EST

Is that you "spacey"?


Tom Holland2/4/2017 11:36 PM EST

Go back home to Uranus.


thoughtfulapproach2/4/2017 11:22 PM EST

Trump contesting g a judge's ruling is one thing... denigrating him personally is another. Judges are human. I can only imagine the "fraternity" of judges finding every reason to legally work against Trump if he keeps his juvenile criticism of them constant.


practical2/4/2017 11:29 PM EST

It is called Contempt of Court.


Tom Holland2/4/2017 11:21 PM EST

Our so-called president has a big mouth.


Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:22 PM EST

AND tweets too much ..


23tufa2/4/2017 11:21 PM EST

I've come down with Acute Winning Fatigue..... don't know how much more of this I can take...


OleLadySquawking2/4/2017 11:21 PM EST

Can Congress force Trump's babysitters to work on weekends? His obnoxious Twitter whine on Saturday mornings is giving the country a headache!


23tufa2/4/2017 11:22 PM EST

I wouldn't let a baby sitter anywhere near that Level 1 offender....


remuda12/4/2017 11:18 PM EST

Lots of "Red Herrings" here.  


There is no constitutional requirement that district courts exist at all.  


Judges on these Article IV territorial courts do not enjoy the protections of Article Three of the Constitution, and serve terms of ten years rather than for life.  


Federal courts may not decide every case that happens to come before them. In order for a district court to entertain a lawsuit, Congress must first grant the court subject matter jurisdiction over the type of dispute in question.  


Generally, a final ruling by a district court in either a civil or a criminal case can be appealed to the United States court of appeals in the federal judicial circuit in which the district court is located, except that some district court rulings involving patents and certain other specialized matters must be appealed instead to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and in a very few cases the appeal may be taken directly to the United States Supreme Court.  


So...As Chief Justice Roberts is about to say:  


"Jim...You're Fired...!

23tufa2/4/2017 11:19 PM EST

I've been waiting it seems like FOREVER to hear from a so-called constitutional expert...!!


APennyForYourThoughts2/4/2017 11:20 PM EST

OMG. What a legal no-brain.


Tom Holland2/4/2017 11:23 PM EST

Speaking as a retired law professor, that is the biggest load of garbage I've read in a long time.


23tufa2/4/2017 11:25 PM EST

that's really saying something considering the general flavor of these forums..!


Jindokae1:21 AM EST

It's another load of alternative facts.


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spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:18 PM EST

No, we finnin to put the hurt on some foreign guys.  


scratch and claw all you want puttie cats,  


we are gonna get them.

Tom Holland2/4/2017 11:24 PM EST

OOH!!! I'm so TERRIFIED!!!!!


spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:25 PM EST

because why. 


you are a mocker. an if you are dutch by the way, you aren't much good.


presto6682/4/2017 11:27 PM EST

Cool, I'm so ready to pour another few trillion dollars down a black hole.


PortlandDem2/4/2017 11:17 PM EST

DJT is now, and forever will be, the “So-called President”.


23tufa2/4/2017 11:17 PM EST

'so called'.... it's really taking hold!


APennyForYourThoughts2/4/2017 11:16 PM EST



hjpugh2/4/2017 11:16 PM EST

In America, no one is above the law, including the POTUS. Trump is deranged. Time to get him out of there.


theAnswerIs422/4/2017 11:17 PM EST

Ya, then we get Pence ... puke.


Tom Holland2/4/2017 11:25 PM EST

Yeah. The problem is, Trump is merely incredibly stupid. Pence is smart. And evil.


spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:16 PM EST

lets keep this channel open 


because, your smart elic comments won't do anything.  


it is going more in depth if you are shallow 


hold on to your britches sweety

23tufa2/4/2017 11:17 PM EST

most of us are posting in English. Could you do the same?


giuliana s2/4/2017 11:20 PM EST

sprockets eez rilly Natasha Fatale. Vot? You heff prublem viss her eggscent?


spacely sprockets2/4/2017 11:21 PM EST

your mother was a stinker


Tom Holland2/4/2017 11:25 PM EST

Not possible. He's from the planet Uranus.


passion1232/4/2017 11:12 PM EST

Golden Cheeto Pimpslapped. The beatings will continue until morale improves.


cpolio2/4/2017 11:10 PM EST

Isn't Contempt of Court a crime? Our first reason to impeach.


solidarnosc17762/4/2017 11:13 PM EST

Trump is working on setting up a new record for articles of impeachment.


Chambered Nautilus2/4/2017 11:16 PM EST

He's wandering onto thin ice .... 


"Indirect contempt occurs outside the presence of the court, but its intention is also to belittle, mock, obstruct, interrupt, or degrade the court and its proceedings." 




Randy Bell2/4/2017 11:22 PM EST

that would be of the nature and ilk of a Constitutional Crisis: probably DJT must do something much more egregious than that. AND he has his own Justice Dept to deal with.

Jindokae2/4/2017 11:08 PM EST

Another gem of wisdom from our so-called president.


jornhs2/4/2017 11:08 PM EST

If anybody is socalled in America today - it is the socalled President. He is well past his sellbydate agewise - elected by a numerical minority - broken every rule in the book buissines wise - family wise - decent behavior - put in office by the russians - using Twitter for communication - in general a person so unsympathetic that no decent fellow would want to know. Lets see how long before he is found out legally.

Tom Holland2/4/2017 11:27 PM EST

And he has tiny [ahem] hands.

solidarnosc17762/4/2017 11:05 PM EST

So-called PUS Trump is our nation's unclean public urinator and is trespassing at the White House. Trump's hair used to be red, but with the addition of yellow, it makes orange. Send him back to Putin.


pro science2/4/2017 11:03 PM EST

Trump is making me feel like a winner again...insults the federal judiciary, the Australian Prime Minister, and denying entry to people who barely escaped death from Putin's bombers...yea...we're winning again.


































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