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Putzmeister 三一重工全资控股普茨迈斯特获评德国最佳雇主

已有 432 次阅读2016-10-22 21:56 |个人分类:中国| 德国

Putzmeister receives the Focus Award 2016 for "Top national employer" Award

Putzmeister Receives German “Top National Employer” Award

German news magazine, Focus, presented awards to the best employers in Germany for the 2016 Focus Awards. Putzmeister was named a “Best Employer,” securing a top 10 place in both the Mechanical Plant Engineering and Rail and Special Vehicles categories.


Focus selected Germany's best employers through a large-scale survey conducted together with career-oriented networking site, Xing, and employer review portal, Kununu. In this nationwide survey, employees rated both their employers and managers, producing a ranking, spanning 22 different industries, of the 1,000 best employers with more than 500 employees.

Putzmeister's HR Manager, Uwe Misselbeck, was delighted to receive the award and remarked that, "It really is something special to receive the Focus Award 2016. It's a sign that our employees are satisfied with their overall situation and perspectives, and an indicator that our company philosophy is in touch with the latest trends. We will continue down this path and continue to attach great importance to youth development and the professional development of our employees."


In 2012, Sany acquired Putzmeister, the leading German concrete machinery manufacturer, in an acquisition worth over €360 million ($402 million). After four years, Sany–Putzmeister has proven that the acquisition is a fine win-win model for international cooperative development. 
Sany and Putzmeister will further strengthen cooperation and work together to increase both brands' sales while ensuring steady employment both locally and abroad. 

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Sany acquires German company Putzmeister

PUNE: Sany Heavy Industry, a major Chinese manufacturer of construction equipment will acquire the German concrete pump maker, Putzmeister Holding GmbH. The announcement, made four days ago, will give the Chinese major a foothold in the high tech area even as it expands its global presence. 

Sany Heavy Industry, whose India presence includes a manufacturing plant at Chakan, near Pune, while Putzmeister has a plant at Verna, in Goa. Attempts to contact the Chinese company via email 
were unsuccessful hence the impact of the global acquisition on the India operations of the two companies is not clear. 

According to news reports in the international press, Sany and Citic PE Advisory, a Chinese private equity firm, will acquire the family -owned German company for Euro 360 million, valuing the target company at over Euro 500 million. These news reports also stated that Citic PE will hold a 10% minority stake, the balance 90% being with the construction equipment maker, Sany. 
In 2010, when Sany Heavy Industry set up its construction equipment manufacturing plant at Chakan, Sany India chairman, Wang Zuochun had said this was the single largest investment by a Chinese company in India. He went on to say that this was part of Sany's "internationalising process". It had planned to set up manufacturing locations in Russia and Belgium to add to locations in North and South America and Germany. Last year, it set up an R&D centre in Cologne. 

Zuochun had told The ET, "We have declared our intention of investing upto US $70 million in the plant in India and it will be enlarged over three years. As the market here grows we could add another location (in India). We want to form joint ventures with some of our suppliers here. However, our main intent in coming to developing countries is not to form joint ventures but to address markets here. We will go to developed countries to get technology." 
Sany's globalisation and internationalisation programme began seven years ago, in 2005, after its market share in its home country market was significant, driving it to look for markets elsewhere.

Officials at Putzmeister Concrete Machines Pvt Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the German parent had indicated in the past that the India plant, in Goa, could become its sole global site for the manufacture of one range, the stationary pump. Putzmeister makes truck mounted boom pumps which are used to pour concrete for tall structures. 

China’s Sany to acquire Putzmeister

Deal could herald new era of Chinese dealmaking

China has laid claim to a pillar of German industry after Sany Heavy Industry, the country’s largest construction equipment group, said it would acquire Putzmeister, a Mittelstand company that makes high-tech concrete pumps.

The deal is among the largest in which a Chinese company acquires one of the family-owned, niche-focused, German engineering groups – the backbone of the German economy. The term Mittelstand covers Germany’s legion of small and medium-sized family groups.

Sany, whose chairman is China’s richest man, and Citic PE Advisors, a Chinese private equity company, will acquire all of Putzmeister, with Citic retaining a minority shareholding. Sany and Citic will pay €360m for the business, as well as taking on Putzmeister’s debt, giving the company an enterprise value of just over €500m.* Sany will pay 90 per cent and Citic Capital 10 per cent.




中国网7月1日讯 三一重工今日晚间公告,公司全资子公司三一国际发展有限公司出资5489.77万美元收购中信开曼持有的CP Machinery Limited S.r.l100%股权,从而获得Putzmeister Holding Gmbh(德国普茨迈斯特)10%股权。

  CP Machinery Limited S.r.l.系一家在卢森堡设立并注册的公司,股本为361万欧元。截至2012年12月31日,该公司总资产约3639万欧元,总负债约31万欧元。



   作者:三一  2016-06-07 00:00:00








  昨日,关于三一重工收购德国普茨迈斯特公司的消息已在网络上广为报道,今日三一重工发布公告对此消息予以证实。公告称,公司控股子公司三一德国有限公司联合中信产业投资基金(香港)顾问有限公司,于1月20日与德国普茨迈斯特公司99%股份的股东Karl Schlecht Stiftung和持有其1%股份的Karl Schlecht Familienstiftung签署了《转让及购买协议》,三一德国和中信基金共同收购普茨迈斯特100%股权。其中,三一德国收购90%,中信基金收购10%。三一德国的出资额为3.24亿欧元,折合人民币26.54亿元,占公司最近一期经审计净资产的13.5%,未达重大资产重组标准。









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