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Western media: Australian experts confirmed the efficacy of herbal destroy cance

已有 89 次阅读2016-9-12 12:01 |个人分类:medicine| experts, cancer, media

Western media: Australian experts confirmed the efficacy of herbal destroy cancer but the principle is unknown

Updated: September 11, 2016  Views: 12

Reference News Network September 11 reported the Spanish newspaper 

abc website September 9 reported that a research team at the University of Adelaide, Australia confirmed that traditional Chinese herbal medicine has a powerful effect to kill cancer cells. This species in Chinese medicine has been approved for the treatment of various cancers, usually used to assist western medicine chemotherapy.

It allows researchers were surprised that, despite the efficacy of the drug have verified this, but nothing is known about its anticancer principle.

The study, published in the << target >> Journal of Oncology is the first attempt molecular Chinese traditional medicine to undertake a comprehensive description of, rather than molecular action of each component of a separate study.

Study leader David Adelson said: 'Chinese medicine is based on the use of most of the Chinese people for thousands of years of traditional experience had a lot of evidence to prove the process of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of some diseases do have effect, but we do not. Learn these drugs treat diseases specific pharmacological mechanisms. '

Adelson said: 'If we split the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, you will find a single component does not play a good combination to effect various components markedly, and minimal side effects..'

He also noted that the study is the first attempt to demonstrate the molecular mode of action of the mixture obtained from various herbs complex components. Australian researchers from the root of Sophora and clay Ling two kinds of Chinese herbal medicine extracted ingredient.

The researchers used the latest gene sequencing technology to identify and 'biological pathways.' This role in the culture of traditional Chinese medicine prescription of breast cancer tumor cells.

Adelson said: 'We have confirmed that the activated gene expression of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine chemotherapy is the same biological pathway, but the role of different genes.'

He further explained that these genes capable of regulating cell division and the survival period of the prescription seems to have changed is the regulation of the cell cycle, induce cancer cell death pathways towards the development and, ultimately, kill cancer cells. In this study, the use of technology can be used for other specific molecular mechanisms of herbal onset were studied, so as to use traditional Chinese medicine in Western society open road.

Western media: Australian experts confirmed the efficacy of herbal destroy cancer but the principle is unknown

Profile picture: Chinese medicine (Photos from the network

[An extension of reading] Foreign media: Chinese medicine is usually cheaper and more popular than Western medicine in rural China

Reference News Network November 13 reported that foreign media said after practice in 2000 and decades of scientific research, China this year because of a discovery from traditional Chinese medicine and won the Nobel Prize.

<< >> According to the British Financial Times website reported on November 13, Tu Yo Yo discovery of antimalarial drug artemisinin and won the Nobel Prize, when she accepted the award, said: 'Artemisinin is a traditional Chinese medicine to the world. people gift. '

Today, the private parts of China, tens of thousands of public-sector researchers are continuing efforts to replicate her success, trying to simplify those derived from traditional Chinese medicine practitioners out of the complex, difficult to understand and difficult to implement treatment regimen to get in worldwide sales of medicines.

The Chinese government has given one of the pillars of traditional Chinese medicine for its new innovation-driven economic growth model, to invest heavily in this area and take advantage of the national health insurance plan to support the use of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is usually more expensive than innovative medicine in most China's population still live in rural areas tend to be more popular.

China's growing middle class in the culture prefer Chinese medicine, and sometimes they are increasingly able to pay artificially high cost of treatment, therefore the Chinese government will be seen as the future of domestic consumers and businesses in any traditional Chinese medicine 'gift' The first beneficiary.

It reported that, although a lot of research, but few new varieties of Chinese medicine sensational come out, but still there is no one can emulate the importance of artemisinin.

Deputy director of the Shanghai Innovative Research Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jiawei Guo said Chinese scientists are using a variety of methods to test the scientific basis of traditional Chinese medicine, to make them easier to commercialize.

The total size of the pharmaceutical industry is difficult to estimate, because many traditional Chinese medicine for individual patients are out of the mixed herbs. However, according to consulting firm IMS Health estimates that China's large hospitals, Chinese medicine granules scale industry from 2012 870 billion yuan in 2014 to grow to 116 billion yuan (Chinese herbal medicine modernization of the industry will be made water-soluble particles, easy to take. the pharmaceutical companies are now part of the market, including the state-owned enterprises listed in Hong Kong Chinese medicine Ltd. and Shenzhen-listed Yunnan Baiyao Group.

? Hong Kong-based pharmaceutical industry consultant Jason Mann said: 'These companies are targeting China is a growing middle class.'

Reported that Ye Yang said there was still attractive to Western medicine therapy patients is not clear how, but 'China's population accounts for a quarter of the world's population, if we can solve the problem of Chinese people, it has been made to solve global problems a great contribution. '

Western media: Australian experts confirmed the efficacy of herbal destroy cancer but the principle is unknown

Profile picture: July 23, 2013, in the village of Minxian Wing Sing, local medical personnel brewed Chinese soup, treatment of diarrhea and colds for the victims Xinhua News Agency.

[An extension of reading] Hong Kong media: Hong Kong doctors suspect unknown medicine can cause liver reminder not believe recipe

Reference News Network May 9 Hong Kong media reported that, according to Hong Kong, a local surgeon said that in the past 20 years, about 100 patients after taking the medicine needs to be a life-saving liver transplant, a little boy was one of them one of.

<< >> According to Hong Kong South China Morning Post website reported May 4, associate professor of surgery in Hong Kong's Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam Road, Dr. Kenneth Chalk said that the boy's grandmother gave him serving traditional Chinese medicine to improve his appetite six years ago, she was found with severe liver disease.

Chalk said that the boy has been successful liver transplant.

Reported that, although there is still no scientific evidence that Jock stressed medicine leads to liver infection, but he suggested that public health should be taken with caution conditioning agents.

Chalk 4 at a medical conference held in Hong Kong, he said: 'There is a growing trend that is taking the medicine in patients with liver disease history.'

It reported that in 100 cases, patients aged between 3-66 years, accounting for the hospital in 1991 to around 8% last year to accept the liver transplant cases in which 100 patients, about 75% suffer from hepatitis.

Chalk said the hospital is not clear because they are suffering from liver disease began taking the medicine, or because taking the medicine while suffering from liver disease, he said:.. 'But some medicine for liver toxicity.'

Another local doctor said, it is believed that Hong Kong's public hospitals in hepatitis cases related to medicine and 1/4.

Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong said Szeto Wai-kay, practitioners and Western doctors in prescription surface better communication and understanding is very important.

Reported that Stuart Chalk and recommendations public only see the practice of Chinese medicine, do not try dubious origin and unclear medicine. (Compile / Wang Fang

Western media: Australian experts confirmed the efficacy of herbal destroy cancer but the principle is unknown

(Photos from the network






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