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Trudeau touts deal with Chinese website Alibaba as boon for Canadian firms

已有 442 次阅读2016-9-4 10:28 |个人分类:加拿大| especially, investment, companies, represent, partner


Hangzhou, China
3 September 2016

The Government of Canada is committed to represent Canada to the world as a strong and valuable trading partner, that is open for investment and business, in order to increase trade, spur international investment, and grow Canada’s middle class. This means encouraging Canadian companies – especially small and medium-sized enterprises – to be more engaged in the Chinese economy.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and Alibaba Group Executive Chairman Jack Ma today announced a number of initiatives that will help Canadian companies connect with Alibaba’s 400 million consumers. First, they launched the “Canada Pavilion” on Alibaba’s online shopping site, which will help brand Canadian products and services.

Additionally, the Prime Minister witnessed the signing of a joint declaration of cooperation by Minister of International Trade Chrystia Freeland and Michael Evans, Director and President of Alibaba Group, that will strengthen trade promotion cooperation between the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service and Alibaba Group.

During their discussions, the Prime Minister and Mr. Ma agreed to further support collaboration in several areas, including facilitating the growth of tourism through the use of AliTrip and AliPay services.

A cooperation agreement was signed between Air Canada and Alibaba’s Alitrip to work jointly to expand the travel market between China and Canada.

Finally, the two also committed to look into establishing a representative and commercial presence of Alibaba in Canada – which would create new export opportunities for Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises and other partners, and support the Canadian middle class.

While in Hangzhou, the Prime Minister and Minister Freeland had an opportunity to tour the Alibaba Xixi campus with over 30 Canadian companies present.

Today’s announcements highlight the importance of building relationships with international partners over time that result in new jobs for middle class Canadians.

Moving forward, the Prime Minister will continue to strengthen relationships with individuals – and companies – around the world in order to ensure that middle class Canadians have the greatest chance to succeed.  


“China presents a large and growing market for Canadian businesses. That is why we’re increasing our commercial presence in the Chinese market, and encouraging our small and medium-sized enterprises to tap into the enormous opportunities there. I will continue to promote Canada abroad, draw in international investment, highlight Canadian products around the world, and increase opportunities for our middle class.”
—Rt. Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

“Today is a very good day for Canadian businesses. They now have a permanent e-home on the world’s biggest online shopping site – Alibaba – and with it, the ability to reach over 400 million Chinese consumers. There is significant potential for further business development with Alibaba, which would help encourage Chinese tourism to Canada, create jobs at home, and strengthen our middle class.”
—Rt. Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

"Increasing cooperation with Alibaba will support our small and medium-sized enterprises as they tap into the Chinese market. China is our second-largest trading partner, and we know that taking advantage of e-commerce will lead to greater middle class prosperity at home."
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Trade

Quick Facts

  • The Prime Minister first met Mr. Ma during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2016, where the two discussed the value of e-commerce to the success of small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • The Alibaba Group includes a number of business lines, most notably e-commerce giants Tmall and Taobao Marketplace, which together held a nearly 80 per cent share of China’s US$600 billion e-commerce market in 2015.
  • Alibaba has more than 400 million online consumers in China.
  • A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Air Canada and Alitrip to open a direct flagship store on the Alitrip platform, to work together to develop marketing initiatives, and to carry out joint marketing promotions with Air Canada, utilizing Alitrip’s data resources.

Associated Link

Trudeau touts deal with Chinese website Alibaba as boon for Canadian firms

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Alibaba founder Jack Ma announced the launch of a ‘pavilion’ that will brand Canadian goods and services for Chinese consumers.

HANGZHOU, CHINA—Canadian merchants are hoping a new online storefront via e-commerce giant Alibaba will help them sell more to the rapidly expanding Chinese marketplace.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Alibaba founder Jack Ma announced the launch Saturday of a Canadian “pavilion” on the Tmall platform at the Chinese firm’s offices in Hangzhou.

“There will be a digital hub directly connecting Canadian companies to over 400 million Chinese consumers,” said Trudeau, who is on an eight-day official visit to China.

“By developing partnerships with industry leaders and companies around the world we’re ensuring that Canadians have the right connections and the right opportunities to succeed in the fast-changing global economy.”

Trudeau says the hub on the world’s largest online shopping site will clearly brand Canadian goods and services for Chinese consumers. He also expects the portal to promote tourism in Canada.

More than 30 Canadian brands have been selling their goods on Alibaba, including Jamieson Vitamins.

Ma and Trudeau have met twice since Trudeau arrived in China, with Ma hailing Trudeau as 'the future of Canada.'
Ma and Trudeau have met twice since Trudeau arrived in China, with Ma hailing Trudeau as 'the future of Canada.'  (CHINA STRINGER NETWORK / REUTERS)  

“We’ve been here for about two years now, so it hasn’t been a long time,” said Gregg Serles, Jamieson’s vice-president of worldwide sales.

“But it certainly is one of the biggest opportunities in the word for us and our projects and obviously for Canadian products in general.”

He said the hub will help Chinese shoppers locate Canadian products.

Ma, the billionaire chairman of Alibaba, said his company has enabled millions of small businesses to succeed in China.

“I assure you that we will work hard to make sure that China’s consumers love the Canadian products,” Ma said.

This was Ma’s second meeting with Trudeau since the prime minister’s arrival in China on Tuesday.

The two men, who also met in January in Davos, Switzerland, appear to have developed some chemistry.

“He’s a miracle to me,” Ma said Tuesday of Trudeau as they shared a stage at an event hosted by the China Entrepreneur Club.

“Mr. Trudeau also has a very, very special aura — in him you can see and feel the spark, image and confidence of Canada ... He is the future of Canada.”

Ma, one of China’s best-known entrepreneurs, told the business crowd that Canada offers top-quality and healthy agricultural products and commodities as well as high tech, environmental tech, music, art and culture.

“These are exactly the types of products Chinese people want and need,” said Ma, who also met with Stephen Harper when he was prime minister.

Experts believe Alibaba has a lot to offer Canadian merchants.

Dominic Barton, the global managing director of consulting company McKinsey & Co., said in a recent interview that Alibaba has done tremendous things for China by allowing small mom-and-pop companies there to do business with the rest of the Asian country.

“I think it’s been revolutionary good, if I could call it that, from that point of view of just allowing small companies to participate in a big market,” said Barton, a global expert hand-picked by Ottawa to help lift Canada’s lacklustre growth.

“And in my view, there’s no reason why you can’t extend that out to (small and medium-sized enterprises) in other parts of the world.”

Alibaba has launched Tmalls in about a dozen countries, including Korea, Australia and the United States.

Other observers are not so sure that it will help Canadian firms.

Alex He, a research fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation think tank, said Ma has been very active in trying to sell his business model to the whole world as a way to help mid-sized and small businesses.

“And at the same time, he can make money from that,” He said.

He noted that Alibaba has come in for criticism in China that the model allows for the sale of fake goods, which can be very difficult to return.

“Jack Ma’s model is very successful, I’m just not sure if they can succeed outside of China.”

Finance Minister Bill Morneau, who is travelling in China with Trudeau, was asked about Alibaba’s potential for the struggling Canadian economy.

“Our overall goals here are to expand our opportunities together, so we’re keenly interested in hearing about any business that’s looking to expand their footprint,” Morneau said Friday in Shanghai.






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