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Duterte says Philippines might leave UN over criticism of drug trafficker killin

已有 488 次阅读2016-8-21 12:10 |个人分类:政治 法律| government, experts, invite, China


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte railed against the United Nations on Sunday after it called for an end to the wave of killings unleashed by his war on drugs, saying he might leave the organization and invite China and others to form a new one.

Two U.N. human rights experts last week urged Manila to stop the extra-judicial executions and killings that have escalated since Duterte won the presidency on a promise to wipe out drugs.

About 900 suspected drug traffickers have been killed since he came to power after winning the election on May 9.

08_21_duterte_01Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte gestures while delivering a speech during the 115th Police Service Anniversary at the Philippine National Police headquarters in Quezon city, metro Manila, Philippines August 17.NOEL CELIS/REUTERS

Duterte on Friday denied that the government was responsible and in a middle-of-the-night news conference in his home town, Davao, said the deaths were not the work of the police and invited U.N. experts to investigate themselves.

The news conference was broadcast by local media and the full version was posted on Facebook by GMA news.

"I will prove to the world that you are a very stupid expert," he said, urging them to count not just the number of drug-related deaths but also the innocent lives lost to drugs.

He then launched an attack on the United Nations and its members—including by inference Manila's traditionally close ally, Washington—saying it could not fulfill its own mandate but was "worrying about the bones of criminals piling up".

"I do not want to insult you. But maybe we'll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations," he said. "Why do you have to listen to this stupid?"

Criticizing the U.N. for not doing enough to address hunger and terrorism and for not being able to do anything about Syria and Iraq and allowing big powers to bomb villages and kill innocent civilians, he said he would invite China and African nations to form another global organization.

"You now, United Nations, if you can say one bad thing about me, I can give you 10 (about you). I tell you, you are an inutile. Because if you are really true to your mandate, you could have stopped all these wars and killing."

Asked about the possible consequences of his comments, he said: "What is ... repercussions? I don't give a shit to them."

He said the United Nations should have acted according to protocol by sending someone such as a rapporteur to talk to him.

"You do not just go out and give a shitting statement against a country," he said.

Duterte says Philippines might leave UN over criticism of drug trafficker killings

President denies government responsibility after UN human rights experts urge Manila to stop extrajudicial executions and killings

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte says he may invite China and African nations to form a new global organisation. Photograph: Noel Celis/AP

Reuters  Sunday 21 August 2016 

Philippines president calls UN 'stupid' for criticising drug war

Rodrigo Duterte says ‘only 1,000 died’ in crime crackdown and warns organisation not to meddle in the country’s politics

Agence France-Presse in Manila

The Philippines president, Rodrigo Duterte, has hit out at “stupid” United Nations criticism of his controversial war on crime in which about 1,000 people have died, warning the global body not to interfere.

Duterte, who swept to a landslide election victory in May partly on a pledge to crack down on crime, said he would continue his anti-drug push despite mounting criticism, including from the UN chief, Ban Ki-moon.

“Why would the United Nations be so easily swayed into interfering in the affairs of this republic? There are only 1,000 (killed),” he said at an event marking the 115th anniversary of the police force.

In June, Ban condemned Duterte’s apparent support for extrajudicial killings, saying they were “illegal and a breach of fundamental rights and freedoms”.

The UN’s anti-drugs office this month said it was greatly concerned by reports of extrajudicial killings of suspected drug dealers and users in the Philippines.

The UN has made “a very stupid proposition”, Duterte said, warning it not to meddle in the country’s politics.

“What’s the problem? You inject politics. Only one thousand died and you put my country in peril, in jeopardy,” he said.

He told foreign human rights watchdogs not to “investigate us as though we are criminals”, and warned they would not be treated well in the Philippines.

Duterte, who took office on 30 June, ordered a bloody war on crime that has killed 1,054 people since the May elections, according to the country’s largest broadcaster, ABS-CBN.

This includes people killed in police operations, and more than 400 murdered by mysterious vigilantes.

Duterte won the election on a promise to wage a war on illegal drugs and other crime that would claim tens of thousands of lives.

He has ordered police not to hesitate to kill and even urged ordinary citizens and communist guerrillas to join in the bloodshed.

He has repeatedly scoffed at human rights groups opposed to the killings.

Philippine President responded to the United Nations to launch a "drug war": it is stupid

 2016-08-18 23:34:06  7 ℃

[global network reported British "Guardian" on August 17, reports said United Nations criticized the Philippines launched a "war on drugs", the Philippine President Dutt Stewart said the accused "foolish", and said he did not want the United Nations to intervene.

Reported that Dutt Stewart in May of this year's election victory, part of the reason is that he promised a crackdown on crime, he said although to face including UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, there was a lot of criticism, will continue to fight against drug crimes. Duthel Te said: "the United Nations why so easily to interfere in the affairs of our country, only 1000 people were killed."

It is reported that in June this year, Ban Ki-moon said Duthel Te was clearly supported by the criminals to carry out the law execution, condemned, and said that these executions are not legitimate, in violation of the basic rights and freedoms. The United Nations drug control office said this month that symmetrical drug trafficking suspects and drug addicts were reported to be concerned about the report of the execution of the law.

Duthel Te said the UN's proposal was "very stupid" and warned the United Nations not to interfere in the political affairs of Philippines. He told foreign human rights monitors do not to treat criminals like the Philippines were investigated, and said they in the Philippines is not to be treated well.

According to reports, Duthel Te took office in June 30th, then launched the drug war. Reports from ABS-CBN, Philippines's largest broadcaster, show that 1054 people have been executed since the election in May. Reported that Walter often laugh at those who oppose these executions of the human rights organization. (internship compile: Wu Jingjing reviewer: Mou Yanchen)

UN rights experts urge Philippines to end wave of extrajudicial killings amid major drug crackdown

Heroin. Photo: UNODC (file)

18 August 2016 – Amid a recent massive anti-crime and anti-drug crackdown in the Philippines that has claimed the lives of more than 850 suspected criminals, two United Nations human rights experts today urged the Government to end the wave of extrajudicial executions and killings, stressing that drug charges should be “judged in a court of law, not by gunmen on the streets.”

“Claims to fight illicit drug trade do not absolve the Government from its international legal obligations and do not shield State actors or others from responsibility for illegal killings,” Agnes Callamard, the new UN Special Rapporteur on summary executions, stressed in a news releasefrom the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

More than 850 people have been killed since 10 May when Rodrigo Duterte was elected President of the Philippines vowing to crackdown on crime. Some 650 people were killed in just the last month and a half.

“The State has a legally binding obligation to ensure the right to life and security of every person in the country, whether suspected of criminal offences or not,” said Ms. Callamard.

During his election campaign and first days in office, Mr. Duterte repeatedly urged law enforcement agencies and the public to kill people suspected of trafficking drugs who don’t surrender, as well as people who use drugs.

“Concerning drug-dependency, this should be treated as a public health issue and justice systems that decriminalise drug consumption and possession for personal use as a means to improve health outcomes,” said Dainius Puras, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health.

However necessary, he added, responses to the illicit drug trade must be carried out in full compliance with national and international obligations and should respect the human rights of each person.

The President was also reported as promising impunity for such killings and bounties for those who turn in drug dealers ‘dead or alive.’

“It is effectively a license to kill,” said Ms. Callamard, underscoring that “directives of this nature are irresponsible in the extreme and amount to incitement to violence and killing, a crime under international law.”

While welcoming recent reports suggesting that President Duterte is now publicly condemning vigilante justice, and called on all authorities to take a clear and public stance against it, the Special Rapporteurs pointed it out that “it is not enough.”

“All allegations of killings and extrajudicial executions must be promptly and thoroughly investigated,” said the experts, urging the authorities to take immediate and necessary actions to protect all persons from targeted killings and extrajudicial executions.

Special Rapporteurs and independent experts are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to examine and report back on a specific human rights theme or a country situation. The positions are honorary and the experts are not UN staff, nor are they paid for their work.

联合国批菲杀毒贩 菲总统:“退联”跟中国搞新的

发表时间:2016-08-21 16:49:32













(编译/观察者网 冯雪)






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